.css-day {
  date: 'June 6 & 7';
  speakers: 14;  /* Single-track */
  venue: Zuiderkerk;  /* Amsterdam, NL */
} /* SOLD OUT! */

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MC: Jeremy Keith

Jeremy lives in Brighton, England where he makes websites with the splendid design transformation consultancy Clearleft. You may know him from such books as HTML5 For Web Designers and Resilient Web Design. He’s also the curator of the Patterns Day and UX London conferences. When he’s not playing traditional Irish music on the mandolin, Jeremy spends most of his time goofing off on the internet, documenting his time-wasting on adactio.com, where he has been writing for over twenty years.

Scroll-Enhanced Experiences

Embark on a journey through the art of scrollytelling with CSS. This talk will guide you through the process of creating dynamic, story-driven experiences that leverage the user's scroll behavior. Learn to control the pace and rhythm of your story with the CSS Scroll Timeline API, creating a captivating narrative that unfolds with each tick of the mouse wheel.

Video, slides

Carmen Ansio

Carmen is a Design Engineer at LottieFiles. She’s a Google Developer Expert and Microsoft MVP in Web Technologies. With a solid foundation in both UX design and web development, she is absolutely thrilled about making user experiences even better using the magic of animations to keep audiences engaged!

Standardization Stories


Elika J. Etemad (fantasai)

Elika is a prolific contributor to the CSS Working Group, where over over two decades she’s edited dozens of core CSS standards including CSS2.1, Selectors, Writing Modes, Grid Layout, and many others. She now works as a WebKit engineer at Apple.

How to Teach CSS


I really like CSS, and it makes me sad that this sentiment is so rare amongst front-end / full-stack developers! For the past few years, I've been on a mission to change this, helping thousands of developers discover the joy of writing CSS. In this talk, we’ll explore some of the mental models and analogies that make CSS click, so you can upskill your JavaScript-focused peers and get them excited about CSS.

Josh Comeau

Josh is a software developer and educator. He's a former software engineer for organizations like Khan Academy, DigitalOcean, Unsplash.

Character Modeling in CSS


Julia Miocene

Julia is a Product Designer and UX Engineer. She is best known as a pure CSS animator. She demonstrates the magic of CSS on her YouTube channel and through her demos. She'll make you believe that nothing is impossible with just CSS!

Start over-engineering your CSS

When programming (yes, that includes writing CSS), it is considered best practice to avoid over-engineered solutions as they can result in added complexity, less readability, and maintenance issues.

Despite that, in this talk we’ll dive into the benefits of going over the top and embracing complexity in our solutions. We'll explore how this can deepen our understanding of CSS and how complex solutions can sometimes be better than their simple alternatives, leaving us with robust solutions that are more useful than their simple alternatives.


Kevin Powell

Kevin is a CSS evangelist and educator whose primary goal is to help people fall in love with CSS and, failing that, to at least help them be a little less frustrated by it. He is best known for his YouTube channel, where he posts weekly educational videos that, he hopes, help both inspire and empower people to improve at CSS.

Web Design Engineering With the New CSS

With all the exciting new features arriving in CSS today and even more additions on the horizon, CSS is more powerful than ever. As a result, the very foundations of how we understand and write CSS are changing radically. But not only that: CSS is now also the most powerful design tool for the Web. Meanwhile, many teams still approach web design with an imperative mindset and static design tools that don’t reflect what modern CSS is capable of. In this session, we’ll look at how we can use the power of “the new CSS” to our advantage and how to engineer designs that are accessible, resilient, and true to the inherently fluid nature of the Web.

Video, slides

Matthias Ott

Matthias is an independent user experience designer and web design engineer. He teaches interface prototyping at Muthesius University of Fine Arts and Design and runs workshops on modern web design, design engineering, and prototyping. He writes Own Your Web, a newsletter about personal websites, and blogs about design, development, CSS, the open web, and more on matthiasott.com.

MC: Miriam Suzanne

Miriam is an author, artist, developer, and open web advocate. She’s a co-founder of OddBird, Invited Expert with the W3C CSS Working Group, and member of the Sass core team. Offline, Miriam spends her time repairing clocks, knitting socks, or creating hybrid performances with Teacup Gorilla & Grapefruit Lab.

CSS Masonry Layouts


Nicole Sullivan

Nicole builds browsers. She is an engineering manager for Layout & Rendering on WebKit at Apple. She worked on APIs like nesting, scope, container queries, style queries, and anchor positioning at Chrome. Before that, Nicole invented Object Oriented CSS which aimed to solve writing CSS at scale. She created some of the first design systems (she called them style guides) and utility classes (she called them modifiers) in 2005.

When she’s not trying to figure out the next new APIs designers and developers need, she’s probably hanging off of a rock with ParaCliffHangers. She recently began calling for visually impaired rock climbers and they’ll be going to the World Championships just after CSS Day. She lives in Berkeley, California with her child, who also loves to program and rock climb.

Layout and Reading Order

Video, slides

Rachel Andrew

Rachel works for Google as content lead for Chrome Developer Relations, publishing to web.dev and developer.chrome.com. She is a front and back-end web developer, speaker, and author or co-author of 22 books including The New CSS Layout. Rachel is a Member of the CSS Working Group, and can be found posting photos of her cats on Mastodon at @rachelandrew@front-end.social and being all business on LinkedIn.

Problems solved by OpenType


Roel Nieskens

Roel is a freelance frontend developer, font hacker, and computernerd from hell. Since the time of beige computers and the Y2K problem he's been building websites and fonts, these days for clients like Typotheque, Google, The Type Founders and Font Awesome. He derives an excessive amount of fun from tinkering with HTML, CSS and webfonts, and occasionaly writes about that on pixelambacht.nl.

Impactful Experimentation


Roma Komarov

Roma is a self-taught front-end web developer at Datadog. He loves CSS, and most of the things he does, writes, or thinks about are CSS-related. On his site, kizu.dev, he shares his experiments and articles about it.

The “Other” C in CSS


Sara Soueidan

Sara is an independent inclusive design engineer, author, speaker, and trainer from Lebanon. She works with companies around the world building Web user interfaces and digital products with focus on responsive design, accessibility, performance, and cutting-edge tech. And she teaches designers and developers how to create inclusive web user interfaces.

Sara is the creator of the “Practical Accessibility” course—a get-right-down-to-it online video course for Web designers and developers who want to start creating more accessible Web user interfaces and digital products today.

She is also the author of the Codrops CSS Reference and co-author of Smashing Book 5. She blogs about inclusive design engineering on her blog, and delivers talks and workshops at events worldwide, as well as in-house for companies like Netflix, Telus, and the Royal Schiphol Group at Amsterdam Airport, sharing practical insights and tried-and-true practices for building scalable, resilient front-end foundations.

In 2015, Sara was voted Developer of the Year in the net awards, and shortlisted for the Outstanding Contribution of the Year award. She also won an O’Reilly Web Platform Award for “exceptional leadership, creativity, and collaboration in the development of JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and the supporting Web ecosystem.”

Utility First CSS Isn’t Inline Styles

Video, slides

Sarah Dayan

Sarah is a Principal Software Engineer who builds open-source front-end libraries at Algolia. She primarily works with TypeScript and CSS and created Dinero.js, a library for working with monetary values. She's a fierce advocate for methodologies such as utility-first CSS and test-driven development and likes sharing it with others on her blog and at tech conferences around the world.

The Garden and The Treadmill

When CSS Zen Garden launched, we saw loads of creativity with CSS despite its limits at the time. Now, we have most of the CSS features we wanted to have back then. But do we use them? Have we become more creative because of them? Is our work simpler? We tend to want what we don't have, and we don't always use what we do. Let's look at how it's now possible to do layout at the speed of thought and prototype à la CSS Zen Garden almost as quickly as we can sketch.


Stephen Hay

Californian by birth and Dutchman by choice, {acclaimed author, speaker, and creative director} Stephen Hay has spent more time than is healthy designing for the web. He has spent these years working on difficult things {involving brand, design processes, design systems, responsive design, and accessibility} in large and complex environments {like government, finance, e-commerce}.

Stephen is known for his content-first approach to responsive design, which he explores in his book “Responsive Design Workflow”. Currently, Stephen is Creative Director at Rabobank, where he helps people {make better design decisions}.

Anchor Positioning

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Tab Atkins-Bittner

I’m Tab Atkins-Bittner. I work as a spec hacker for Google on the Chrome team, working on CSS and other assorted web tech, and am the author of the Bikeshed spec-processing tool. I’m queer, a gamer (board and video), and love animals.

“Great conference today at #CSSDay. Enjoyed all the talks. Got to see some old colleagues again and can't wait to fully dive into flexbox. +1” — Niels van Rongen