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On 12th of June, 2015, the third CSS Day took place in Amsterdam.
Schedule · Speakers · Attendees · Sponsors

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08:15Doors open
09:00Paul Robert Lloydresponsive principles
09:50Zoe Mickley Gillenwaterflexbox
11:10John Daggetttypography
12:00Clarissa Petersonresponsive color
12:50<br type="lunch">
13:50Rachel Andrewgrid layout
14:40Roy Tomeijsass
16:50Stephen Haybest practices
17:40Partydrinks & discussions

Our MC for the day, Chris Heilmann

Chris Heilmann has dedicated a lot of his time making the web better. Originally coming from a radio journalism background, he built his first web site from scratch around 1997 and spent the following years working on lots of large, international web sites. He then spent a few years in Yahoo building products and explaining and training people including Yahoo Answers, Search, Local and Maps. He then worked at Mozilla moving HTML5 support forward and advocating Firefox OS as an open alternative to closed mobile systems. Chris wrote two and contributed to eight books on web development and wrote many articles and hundreds of blog posts for Ajaxian, Smashing Magazine, Yahoo, Mozilla, ScriptJunkie and many more. He also wrote the Developer Evangelism Handbook in use in many companies to coach evangelists.

Responsive Principles, by Paul Robert Lloyd

Five years since its introduction, responsive web design has become an accepted best practice for developing websites. Furthermore, it has engendered a wider conversation about building products that can accommodate an increasing range of connected devices. This talk will aim to provide a framework within which we can model this discussion, and outline the principles needed for our work to better adapt to a rapidly changing world.

Video, slides

About Paul

Paul is an independent graphic designer and front-end developer who lives in beautiful Brighton, England. Previously at the Guardian, Clearleft and Ning, he advocates collaborative practice, systems thinking and embracing the inherent nature — and purpose — of the web. When not writing for publications like net Magazine, A List Apart and 24 ways, he can be found working on side projects (he is currently digitising George Bradshaw’s railway guide) or blathering on Twitter.

Flexbox, by Zoe Mickley Gillenwater

Flexbox and responsive web design go great together, like peanut butter and jelly. Flexbox gives you more control over the things you care about in a responsive layout—like order, alignment, and proportional sizes of your boxes—and lets the browser figure out the rest—the math-y stuff that computers are good at, like the exact dimensions that are needed on the boxes to perfectly fill the available space. You can create much more complex and reliable layouts with flexbox than you can with floats, table display, or inline-block, all with far less CSS.

In this talk, you’ll learn which features of flexbox are particularly suited to responsive layouts and how you can harness them today by applying flexbox as progressive enhancement. We’ll look at examples of responsive page components and patterns that you can enhance further by layering flexbox on top of other layout methods, ensuring all users get a good experience.

Video, slides

About Zoe

Zoe is a web designer and developer who loves creating sites that work for as many people and devices as possible. She wrote an entire book on fluid web sites two years before “responsive web design” had a name (Flexible Web Design: Creating Liquid and Elastic Layouts with CSS), and has also authored the book Stunning CSS3: A Project-based Guide to the Latest in CSS and the video training title Web Accessibility Principles for lynda.com. She’s written articles for publications like .net Magazine and Smashing Magazine, and has spoken at conferences like SXSW and Future of Web Design. Zoe currently works as a UX designer for Booking.com. Find out more about Zoe on her blog and portfolio site, or follow her on Twitter.

Typography on the Web, by John Daggett

Typography on the web has improved dramatically in the past few years with the wide availability of web fonts and browser support for basic typographic features. As browsers slowly implement support for font features, color font formats and better control over font display during loading, authors will be better able to customize more precisely how type appears in the browser. At the same time, type designers are coming up with clever solutions to problems associated with fonts for the web. This session will cover the current state of type in the browser and improvements on the horizon.

Video, slides

About John

John works on text and graphics code, based at Mozilla Japan in Tokyo. He is the editor of the CSS3 Fonts spec and has worked on the implementation of downloable fonts and other text and font-related features in Firefox.

Responsive Color, by Clarissa Peterson

Color is one of the first things we learn how to do in CSS — and yet many of us don’t ever go further than typing hex numbers handed to us by a designer. But getting colors to appear on a screen is just the beginning. Discover the secrets behind hex color values, and how to use simple math to adjust color attributes like saturation and brightness. Find out why colors look different on different devices, and what you can do about it. Learn how to adjust colors with media queries to make sure your colors look their best on any screen size. Find out how user context may affect the appropriate colors for a website. And finally, learn how you can make this whole color thing a lot less complicated by using a CSS preprocessor like Sass to manage your color choices and create color variations automatically.

Video, slides

About Clarissa

Clarissa is a UX designer and web developer, and co-founder of Peterson/Kandy, a Montreal-based digital agency specializing in creating responsive websites. Clarissa frequently speaks and gives workshops on responsive design, mobile strategy, and user experience. She is the author of Learning Responsive Web Design: A Beginner’s Guide, published in 2014 by O’Reilly Media. You can find her online at clarissapeterson.com and @clarissa.

Grid Layout, by Rachel Andrew

Since the early days of the web, designers have been trying to lay out web pages using grid systems. Likewise, almost every CSS framework attempts to implement some kind of grid system, using floats and often leaning on preprocessors. The CSS Grid Layout module brings us a native CSS Grid system for the first time—a grid system that does not rely on document source order, and can create complex layouts which are easily redefined with media queries. Following along with practical examples, you’ll learn how Grid works, and how it can be used to implement modern layouts and responsive designs.

Video, slides

About Rachel

Rachel Andrew is a front and back-end web developer, author and speaker. Her books include the bestselling CSS Anthology for Sitepoint and she is a regular contributor to a number of publications both on and offline. Rachel founded her web development company edgeofmyseat.com in 2001, the company initially offered web development consultancy and now concentrates on developing and supporting the CMS Perch. She writes about business and technology on her own site at rachelandrew.co.uk.

The future of CSS isn’t CSS, by Roy Tomeij

The future of CSS, at least for the foreseeable future, will be pre-processors. They allow us to use next generation CSS syntax today, while still supporting older browsers. Let’s explore how we could benefit from a more programmatic approach to writing CSS, and go batshit crazy on Sass.

Video, slides

About Roy

Roy is a Sass advocate, speaker, trainer and front-end architect from The Netherlands. By day he works on AppSignal, by night he shoots through the sky as The Sasstronaut.

Defining “auto”, by fantasai

fantasai will explain how a layout engine works, what are the various primitives that go into “automatic” sizing, and how the CSS Working Group incorporates these into the design of new layout systems. You’ll walk away with a better understanding of what “auto” means, and how to incorporate the right automatic sizing rules into your adaptive layouts.

Video, slides

About fantasai

fantasai is a senior spec-writer in the CSS Working Group and a former Mozilla layout engine QA & dev contributor. Since joining W3C as an Invited Expert in 2004, she’s worked on a long list of specs including CSS2.1, Backgrounds and Borders, Selectors, Flexbox, Writing Modes, Paged Media, Image Values, and others.

The Back(side) of the Class, by Stephen Hay

Have you ever been taught that “modularizing” CSS via an endless number of “reusable” object-like “classes” is the “proper” way to use CSS on “large-scale websites”, or have you taught others that these are “best practices”? Do you think there’s a difference between the term “large-scale websites” and “enterprise websites”? When I say “inheritance” and “specificity”, do you feel dirty?

If you answered yes to the above questions, then you, my friend, are going to absolutely hate this session.

Video, slides

About Stephen

Californian by birth and Dutchman by choice, Stephen is a designer, consultant and author of Responsive Design Workflow (New Riders, 2013) and contributing author to Smashing Book #3. He is a frequent speaker at industry events and has written for A List Apart and other industry publications, including his popular-but-sparingly-updated blog The Haystack. While spending an increasing amount of time leading workshops, writing, and speaking, Stephen still spends the majority of his time working with clients large and small through his consultancy, Zero Interface.

All attendees, 253 in total
Name Company Twitter From
Adrian Klingen Tam Tam NL
Alex Maat TIE Kinetix @alexmaat NL
Alexander Thimm getit DE
Amy Davis B-ware Business Software NL
Anand Graves User Intelligence Netherlands @anandgraves NL
Anke Willems Two Kings @ankedesign NL
Anne van den Hoogen Tam Tam NL
Anneke Sinnema Itmundi @asinnema NL
Anthony Moendir KLM @anthony_moendir NL
Anton Andreasson NetRelations of Scandinavia @nat0n SE
Arien de Groot Simgroep @ariendegroot NL
Arjan Ceelen Indivirtual NL
Arjen de Bruijn W3S NL
Arnoud Huberts Luminis Apeldoorn NL
Arnoud Lagcher Simgroep NL
Auke Visman SBS Broadcasting @visaap NL
Aurelius Wendelken Immonet @webtobesocial DE
Bart de Rijk Adyen NL
Bart Heesink Leukeleu @bheesink NL
Bart l'Amie QDelft NL
Bas Kok @bakotaco NL
Bernhard Sturm STURM UND BRÄM @sultaninen CH
Bert De Swaef BurtDS @burtds BE
Bram Simons Leukeleu @bramsimons NL
Bram Stein Typekit @bram_stein DK
Bram Van Damme 3RDS - Third Degree Sideburns @bramus BE
Bram van Mensvoort CZ @bvmensvoort NL
Catalina Galis SC Bitstone RO
Chi Shang Cheng Leukeleu NL
Chris Asteriou Digital Bliss @digitalblissltd UK
Chris Heilmann Microsoft @codepo8 UK
Christiaan Mutschelknauss Momkai NL
Christiaan Tigelaar Sitemind NL
Christian Kemper getit DE
Chrit Kessels Fontys Hogescholen NL
Clarissa Peterson @clarissa CA
Coen de Zeeuw Alientrick Media Creators NL
Corina Cioloca SC Bitstone RO
Daan van der Burgt KLM NL
Danh Nguyen Luminis Apeldoorn NL
Daniel Potthast Sebastian Blum @d_potthast DE
Danny Evenwel Driebit NL
Danny van der Zalm Simgroep NL
Daphne Otterloo Hoppinger NL
Daphne Smit Tam Tam NL
Darice de Cuba Hogeschool Rotterdam @darice NL
Darius Kruythoff Hectius @dkruythoff NL
Darko Jergovic Flughafen Zürich CH
David Verkerd MobPro, Mobile Professionals @mobpros NL
Davy Rori KLM NL
Debbie Agnes Tevreden NL
Dennis Bunskoek Leukeleu @dbunskoek NL
Dennis Waasdorp Clansman NL
Derk Duit Two Kings @dsduit NL
Dion van Rijswijk X-com @dionvr NL
Dominique van Gimst LimoenGroen @dvangimst NL
Dorien Drees Driebit @doriend NL
Drewes Bos Indivirtual @droobie NL
Edwin Kalkman VI Company NL
Edwin Metselaar MobPro, Mobile Professionals @emetselaar NL
Eefje Koopman Coolblue NL
Eelke van der Bij MediaMonks NL
Eleni Martinez Tsakiroglou @tsakiro NL
Elmar Stolley DE
Elwin Schmitz Coolblue @ikElwin NL
Erik Klijn Mangrove @klijn NL
Eva Kock Simgroep @evakock NL
Eveline Sparreboom Albumprinter NL
Evert Slagter 1020concepts @evertslagter NL
Fabian Fabian Jimdo @filtercake DE
fantasai Mozilla @fantasai US
Floris Bernard MediaMonks NL
Frank Zijlstra Béyonit @fzijlstra NL
Fred Dukker KLM NL
Freek Bron freekbron.nl @FreekBron NL
Geert Fokke Tam Tam NL
George Sait VI Company NL
Gert-Jan Goudkuil Qassa NL
Giulia Alfonsi @electric_g UK
Gonzalez Gutierrez AuPairWorld @cayaoh DE
Gregory Bolkenstijn Tam Tam NL
Haldun Atar NL
Hannah Watkins Clear Breeze Consulting @clearbreezed UK
Hanny Verkerk ANWB @hannyverkerk NL
Hans Grimm Grimm.nl @grimmweb NL
Hidde de Vries hiddedevries.nl @hdv UK
Holger Gehrmann DE
Iain van der Wiel e-sites @iain_vdw NL
Ibe Garritsen a&m impact internetdiensten NL
Ionut Carst Tele2 NL
Irfan Öztürk Flughafen Zürich CH
Ivan Kostadinovic Refresh'd @Tix81 BA
Jaap Roes Leukeleu NL
Jaco Bovenschen Leukeleu NL
Jacqueline Lievense Modern Media NL
Jan Enning Kleinejan.org NL
Jan Jaap van Deursen Netwerven NL
Jan van Hellemond Frontlab @jvhellemond NL
Janita Top Janita Top @sigvi NL
Jannie Breij NL
Jasmin Keskin MRM//McCann DE
Jens Oomen DesignCloud @jensoomen NL
Jeroen Kleuters Broad Sight NL
Jeroen Smits Redhotminute NL
Jeroen van Leeuwen Leukeleu NL
Jessica Marchi Pallino & Co IT
Jewwy Qadri WebArchitects NL
Jillian Nichols Spotify @jilliannichols US
Jim Bransen Leukeleu NL
Jitske van de Worp Coolblue @JitskeElisabeth NL
Johan Smits NL
John Beitler Coffee Media @coffeemedia NL
John Daggett Mozilla @nattokirai JP
John G'Napp Iress F S @me02jg UK
Joost Aalber a&m impact internetdiensten NL
Jordi Veenvliet Orange Juice NL
Jordy van Raaij SBS Broadcasting @jordyvanraaij NL
Jorgen Leijenaar Rabobank NL
Joris von Loghausen NewsMedia @vonloghausen NL
Jorn Jokker Informaat NL
Jorrit Tinholt Momkai NL
Jules Ernst 200 OK @JulezRulez NL
Kaj Rietberg Zorgweb @Kajrietberg NL
Kasper Bosman Moxx NL
Kevin Picalausa Odisee Hogeschool @KevinPicalausa BE
Koen Knol Netwerven NL
Krijn Hoetmer Qontent @krijnhoetmer NL
Lasse Diercks Jimdo @emanoule DE
Leon de Rijke Leon de Rijke @leonderijke NL
Leon Zoutewelle CAK Partnership NL
Lewis Hussey Orange Juice NL
Linda Hol 4net interactive NL
Lourentius Mulder Vest161 NL
Luc Tiemessen Informaat NL
Luuk Lamers Dim @xaddict NL
Maarten Peters QDelft NL
Magalie Chetrit MayConnect @magalielinda NL
Marc Stalfoort @mstalfoort NL
Marco Braak Leukeleu NL
Marco Tonino TOPdesk Nederland NL
Mareike Huetter MRM//McCann DE
Marijn de Römph Coolblue @Struikel NL
Marisca Zoon Burst Digital @RisZ89 NL
Mark Feenstra Synetic NL
Mark van Egmond WebArchitects NL
Marlou Scholten Alientrick Media Creators NL
Martijn Broere LimoenGroen @martijnbroere NL
Martijn van Duuren @Martijnvduuren NL
Martin de Rooij Martin de Rooij NL
Martin Hagedoorn Adyen NL
Martin van Schaik Opzet NL
Michael Hastrich 72/300 NL
Michael Sjouw Vest161 @Sjouw NL
Michael Teeuw Xonay Media @michmich NL
Michel van der Wereld Qassa NL
Michiel Bijl Lukkien @MichielBijl NL
Michiel Bruggenwirth Itmundi NL
Michiel Koning 4net interactive @michiel_koning NL
Miguel Pereira Albumprinter NL
Mikael Norling NetRelations of Scandinavia @micke SE
Monique Dewanchand Leukeleu NL
Nick Noordijk Quest Media @NICKNOORDIJK NL
Nick Wagelmans CG Services NL
Nicole Colabella Spotify @koleybella US
Niek Weevers a&m impact internetdiensten NL
Niels Leenheer Salonhub @html5test NL
Niels van Rongen Kega @nielsvanrongen NL
Olaf Muller VI Company NL
Oliver Klein Oliver Klein Webentwickler DE
Pascal Strijbos Momkai NL
Patrick Baselier Kabisa NL
Paul Einig X-com @PaulEinig NL
Paul Marsh Clear Breeze Consulting @pauliom UK
Paul Reekers Coosto NL
Paul Robert Lloyd @paulrobertlloyd UK
Paul van Buchem Netwerven NL
Paul van Buuren WBVB Rotterdam @paulvanbuuren NL
Paul van Dam Coolblue NL
Pepijn Fens Coosto NL
Peter Garama Burst Digital @pgarama NL
Peter van der Zee c80.nl @kuvos NL
Peter van Grieken Frozen Rockets @petervangrieken NL
Peter Wulf Tevreden NL
Peter-Paul Koch QuirksMode.org @ppk NL
Pim Derks Iquality @pimderks NL
Pim van Die VI Company NL
Pontus Dreij Celebration Studios Sthlm @pontusdreij SE
Rachel Andrew @rachelandrew UK
Ramon de Jezus Leukeleu NL
Ramon Lapenta Cyber-Duck @ramono UK
Reinier Ladan Digital Energy @reinier NL
Remko de Jong Jungle Minds NL
Rene Drieenhuizen MediaMonks NL
Rene Schreurs CMNTY Corporation NL
Ricardo Prins Qassa NL
Richard van der Pol Redhotminute NL
Rick Meijer Mangrove @rickmeijer NL
Rick Schaafsma Basic Orange NL
Ricky Wils Kega NL
Rijk van Geijtenbeek Objectif Lune @Rits NL
Rik Toetenel ANWB @riktoetenel NL
Rikke Charlotte Perriard MOC @perriard DK
Rilliano Mertodikromo Jungle Minds NL
Rob Hoeben Qvision @robhoeben NL
Robbie Gieze Objectif Lune NL
Robert van der Elst Modern Media @rvanderelst NL
Roel Nieskens Kabisa @pixelambacht NL
Roel van Hoof CG Services NL
Rogier Barendregt Usethetics @usethetics NL
Rogier Strobbe Tele2 @rogierstrobbe NL
Roland Broekema KLM NL
Ronald Lokers Coolblue @ronaldlokers NL
Rowdy Rabouw double-R webdevelopment @rowdyrabouw NL
Roy Tomeij AppSignal @roy NL
Ruben Nascimento Momkai NL
Ruben Zijlstra Momkai NL
Sam Zwaaij Synetic NL
Serge Huijben CZ @thehuijb NL
Sjors Rijsdam Driebit @sjorsrijsdam NL
Sooyoung Pajot Feppia FR
Stef van 't Schip Netwerven NL
Stef Vossen Madia @stefvossen NL
Stefan Limke IT Beratung Stefan Limke DE
Stefano Gangadin MediaMonks NL
Stephan Muller Luminis Apeldoorn NL
Stephen Hay Zero Interface @stephenhay NL
Surinder Singh Anatta Design @monkviper US
Sven Read Cliqz @StarBurst1977 DE
Teun van Heerebeek The Concept Store @TeunvH87 NL
Theo van Asselt Plyworks Media NL
Thijs Reijgersberg Werkspot @ysbreker NL
Thoma Gunadi QDelft NL
Thomas Dobber Adyen NL
Thomas van Zuijlen Frontlab @thomatronic NL
Tieme van Veen Momkai NL
Tijmen van Dijl Vuursteen NL
Timo Brundel Modern Media NL
Tom Bestebreurtje funda real estate @bestebreurtje NL
Tom Fenech Bluewire Technologies UK
Tom Hartwig Indivirtual @tmhrtwg NL
Tom Schalken E-sites NL
Tom Walter CAK Partnership NL
Urs Bräm STURM UND BRÄM @ursbraem CH
Vincent Bruijn @_y_a_v_a_ NL
Vincent Smedinga FontoXML @VincentSmedinga NL
Wendy Hendricksen Simgroep @wendy_twit NL
Wieteke Öztürk HarperJones @wpots NL
Wouter Alberts Moxx NL
Yaprak Ayazoglu Yazici Enrise @yaprakaya NL
Zoe Mickley Gillenwater Booking.com @zomigi NL
Zoran Zlokapa Refresh'd @iamzoka BA