.css-day {
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On 14th of June, 2013, the very first CSS Day took place in Amsterdam.
Schedule · Speakers · Attendees · Sponsors

08:30 doors open registration & coffee
09:30 Eric Meyer fonts & texts
10:20 <br>
10:50 Bert Bos selectors
11:40 Stephen Hay flexbox
12:30 <br type="lunch">
13:30 Divya Manian filters & compositing
14:20 Tab Atkins variables & conditionals
15:10 <br>
15:40 Daniel Glazman media queries
16:30 Peter Gasston animations & transitions
17:20 Lea Verou border-radius
18:10 party drinks & discussions

Eric Meyer

Eric Meyer has been working with the web since late 1993 and is an internationally recognized expert on the subjects of HTML, CSS, and web standards. A widely read author, he is the founder of Complex Spiral Consulting, which counts a wide variety of corporations, educational institutions, and government agencies among its clients and is, along with Jeffrey Zeldman, the co-founder of An Event Apart.

Video. Topic: fonts and text

Bert Bos

Bert Bos was researching graphical user interfaces at the University of Groningen when he became co-inventor (with Håkon Wium Lie) of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) in 1994. He joined W3C in 1995 to develop CSS and to create W3C's Internationalization activity. He has since participated in the standardization of HTML, XML and most recently WOFF and MathML.

Video. Topic: selectors

Stephen Hay

Stephen has been designing and developing for the web since 1995. He was formerly Creative Director of Cinnamon Interactive, one of the first web design and development firms to successfully combine professional visual design with open web standards and accessibility best practices back when table layout was the norm. He now independently consults with clients on design, multi-platform strategy and accessibility through his new company, Zero Interface.

Stephen has written for A List Apart, NaarVoren and ChangeThis. Aside from his client work, he speaks and writes on the subjects of CSS3 layout, (web) design and accessibility. He sporadically publishes his thoughts at the-haystack.com.

Video. Topic: flexbox

Divya Manian

Divya is part of the Adobe Web Platform Team. She made the jump from developing device drivers for Motorola phones to designing websites and has not looked back since. She takes her duties as an Open Web Proponent seriously which has resulted in collaborative projects such as HTML5 Please & HTML5 Boilerplate & even a podcast - Fripfrap.

Video. Topic: filters and compositing

Tab Atkins

I'm Tab Atkins Jr, and I wear many hats. I work for Google on the Chrome browser as a Web Standards Hacker. I'm also a member of the CSS Working Group, and am either a member or contributor to several other working groups in the W3C.

Video. Topic: variables and conditionals

Daniel Glazman

Daniel Glazman is a programmer, best known for his work on Mozilla's Editor and Composer components and Nvu, a standalone version of the Mozilla Composer, created for Linspire Corporation. He lives in France.

Daniel was involved in the standardization of HTML 4 and CSS 2 and remains active in W3C's CSS Working Group. He was appointed co-chairman of the CSS Working Group in April 2008.

He now runs his own company, Disruptive Innovations, and is the author of the BlueGriffon Web editor and BlueGriffon EPUB Edition.

Video. Topic: media queries

Peter Gasston

Peter has worked as a professional web developer for over twelve years, in the varied environments of agencies, start-ups and corporates, and is currently working freelance while he decides what to do next. He enjoys writing for sites such as Smashing Magazine and A List Apart, for .net Magazine, and on his own blog, Broken Links, and is the author of “The Book of CSS3” and “The Modern Web”.

As well as front-end development he has an interest in usability, psychology, and digital strategy. In his very limited spare time he likes to read history and indie comics, watch Arsenal football club, and keep abreast of the craft beer scene. He lives in London with his wife, Ana.

Video. Topic: animations and transitions

Lea Verou

Lea works as a Developer Advocate for W3C. She has a long-standing passion for open web standards, which she fulfills by researching new ways to use them, blogging, speaking, writing, and coding popular open source projects to help fellow developers. She is a member of the CSS Working Group, which architects the language itself. Lea studied Computer Science in Athens University of Economics and Business, where she co-organized and occasionally lectured a cutting edge Web development course for 4th year undergrads. She is one of the few misfits who love code and design equally.

Video. Topic: border-radius

All attendees, 246 in total
Name Company Twitter From
Adrian Longley Featurist @adrianlongley UK
Al Scott Agency Republic @thealscott UK
Alex Griffioen The Next Web @oscaralexander NL
Anderson Malta @GovindaMadhava UK
Andrea Pigato @pigatss IT
Andreas Dantz Vortrieb @dantz DE
Andrew Smith Ampersand Commerce UK
Anne Fortuin The Next Web @phortuin NL
Anthony Moendir KLM NL
Anton Ivanov comScore @Anton_Al_Ivanov NL
Anton Nekipelov Hyves NL
Arjan Eising Irrvy @eising NL
Arne Rudolph krankikom @arnerudolph DE
Arne de Bree Arne de Bree @adebree NL
Arno Koehler KLM NL
Ashish Lockmun Spil Games @ashlockme NL
Ayşe Kongur Kongur Limited @kongroove UK
Bart Broekhuizen Aneto NL
Bart Wilmink Objectif Lune NL
Bartlomiej Omyla PL
Bas Ben Zineb Viewbook NL
Bas van Rijen basvanrijen.nl NL
Ben Darlow Darlow Technology @kapowaz UK
Benjamin Horseleben e-conomic DK
Bert Bos W3C FR
Bert De Swaef BurtDS @BurtDS BE
Bert de Weerd b3rt.nl | nieuwe media @b3rtnl NL
Bob Bijvoet Woedend! NL
Bob Donderwinkel Viewbook NL
Bob Fanger NoProtocol @bfanger NL
Bob Wetzels Typhone E-Concepts NL
Bram Demmer eFocus NL
Bram Van Damme 3RDS - Third Degree Sideburns @bramus BE
Brent de Kok Worth IT @_brentnew NL
Cavit Karaman KLM NL
Celine Kurpershoek Siyou Internet Solutions @celine2810 NL
Charis Rooda I make websites @charisrooda NL
Chris Johnson Worth IT @codevsdesign NL
Chris Royle Spil Games NL
Christian Haller Globetrotter Ausrüstung @bisonfute DE
Daniel Glazman Disruptive Innovations @glazou FR
Daniel van Hoesel Zilverline NL
Daniël Zwijnenburg Zilverline @DNLZW NL
Darius Kruythoff Hectius @dkruythoff NL
Darko Jergovic @darkojergovic CH
Dave Dingarten Red Urban @DaveDingarten NL
Dave Powell Spil Games NL
David Hund Valued Standards @valuedstandards NL
David van Dijk Dutch Open Projects @vandijkdavid NL
Davy Rori KLM NL
Dennis Frank @freshmango DE
Dennis Laupman Pluxcustoms NL
Denys Mishunov iNic AS @mishunov NO
Dion van Rijswijk X-com @dionvr NL
Dirk-Jan de Groot NL
Divya Manian Adobe @divya US
Dmitry Volkov CXO Solutions NL
Don Crowley Cinnamon Interactive @dccrowley NL
Edgar Leijs Turnyourhead360 @edgarleijs NL
Eduard Bespalov comScore @edwbes NL
Egor Kloos @dutchcelt NL
Elaine Oliver Q42 @skinkfu NL
Elvis Furcic Worth IT NL
Emanuele Pane Albumprinter NL
Emiel Lensink IceMobile Agency NL
Eric Meyer @meyerweb US
Erik Driessen Blue Mango @edriessen NL
Erik-Martijn Kasimier Liones NL
Fabio Venni @fabiovenni NL
Frank Zijlstra @fzijlstra NL
Frank van Gemeren Spil Games @frvge NL
Fred Moerman National Library of Norway @fredmoerman NO
Geert Romijn Procurios @GeertRomijn NL
Giorgos Katsiampas Skroutz GR
Giulia Alfonsi @electric_g UK
Gregory Van Looy Diezjietal @bengie BE
Grigoria Pontiki Skroutz GR
Guy Routledge @guyroutledge UK
Hans Christian Reinl Source Access Designz @drublic DE
Hans Grimm Grimm.nl @grimmweb NL
Hayden Lin DivTAG NL
Helge Grimm SinnerSchrader DE
Henk Jan Bouwmeester Het Gelaat @hetgelaat NL
Hetty de Vries @hettydevries NL
Hidde de Vries hiddedevries.nl @hdv NL
Huseyin Killi W3S NL
Ian Culshaw Agency Republic @culshaw UK
Ibe Vanmeenen Kunstmaan BE
Irfan Öztürk CH
Jaap Stavenuiter Wazzup @Hueij NL
Jake Abma Informaat NL
Jan Guichelaar Woedend! NL
Jan Jaap van Deursen WEBclusive NL
Jan Miklas @NeosinneR SK
Jan Peter van der Veen KLM NL
Jan van Os Mister Media NL
Janita Top Janita Top @sigvi NL
Jankees van Woezik Base 42 @jankeesvw NL
Jeroen Coumans Hyves NL
Jeroen Heijmans Summit @jeroenheijmans NL
Jim Fung NoProtocol NL
Joep Wong Pluxcustoms NL
Johan Ronsse Wolf's Little Store @wolfr_ BE
Johan Smits NL
Johan Voeten Procurios @JohanVoeten NL
Joost Aalbers a&m impact NL
Joris Von Loghausen GeenStijl / News Media @vonloghausen NL
Joël Kuijten Superficial @pm5544 NL
Juri Oudshoorn Sony Computer Entertainment Europe UK
Jurij Burkanov Fressnapf Tiernahrung @burkanov DE
Kara Olthof Spil Games @karaolthof NL
Karina Heuser @k_heuser DE
Kars Kremers Procurios @eightweetseven NL
Katja Hollaar Q42 NL
Katrin Klimat Elephant Seven @hellokatili DE
Kevin Saanen Independer.nl NL
Kevin Tai Intrasurance Technology Services NL
Kevin de Lange KLM NL
Kevin van Leuteren Wazzup @minikevin NL
Krijn Hoetmer Web Conferences Amsterdam @krijnhoetmer NL
Lea Verou W3C @leaverou GR
Leon de Wit Egotribe NL
Luca De Angeli UK
Luuk Lamers Dim @xaddict NL
Lya Santoso Fleea @lyasantoso NL
Maarten Laurs Feeddex NL
Maarten van der Velde Elonisas @elonisas NL
Maikel Ronitz NoProtocol NL
Marc Stalfoort @mstalfoort NL
Martijn van Duuren @Martijnvduuren NL
Martin Ivanov Crytek DE
Martin van Es Everest NL
Mathieu van der Linden Sonepar NL
Matthias Slovig Matthias Slovig @msslovi0 DE
Matthijs Adriaanse Yes2web @Thijsadrmat NL
Maurice Denis UNIT4 IT Solutions NL
Maurits Koekoek the valley NL
Max Meinders NoProtocol @havelaer NL
Michael Franken Zilverline NL
Michael P. Pfeiffer @frontdevde DE
Michiel Jelijs Cinnamon Interactive @michielj NL
Michiel Koning 4net Interactive @michiel_koning NL
Michiel van der Ros XNY @micros NL
Mikael Jergefelt Karolinska Institutet University library @dermike SE
Mike van Veenhuizen NoProtocol NL
Mirella van Teulingen Dreamsolution @mirelvt NL
Mirjam Verloop eFocus NL
Mirko Guarnier OCOM Technologies NL
Mykhailo Dobrin comScore NL
Naiara Abaroa Euskal Kirol Apostuak @nabaroa ES
Nataliya Arefyeva Sup Media RU
Nick Balestra Beyounic @nickbalestra CH
Nick van den Berg Wazzup @N_R1 NL
Nick van der Wildt Albumprinter NL
Niek Adam Procurios @NiekAdam NL
Niek Saarberg Pluxcustoms NL
Niek Weevers a&m impact NL
Niels Leenheer Salonhub @rakaz NL
Niels Trumpie Momkai NL
Niels Van Rongen Spil Games NL
Niels Wols W3S NL
Nils Hendriks nirusu.me @nilshendriks JP
Okke Harsta Zilverline NL
Owain Kleefkens Modern Media NL
Pascal Strijbos Momkai @PascalStrijbos NL
Patrick Brouwer Inlet @patrickbrouwer NL
Patrick Long Munkiisoft @MunkiiYebee UK
Paul van der Veen Egotribe NL
Paulina Hetman @PeHaa FR
Pepijn Senders NoProtocol NL
Peter Garama Yes2web @pgarama NL
Peter Gasston @stopsatgreen UK
Peter Gerdes Mediamonks NL
Peter Slagter Procurios @pesla NL
Peter Welp KLM NL
Peter van Grieken Frozen Rockets @petervangrieken NL
Peter-Paul Koch Web Conferences Amsterdam @ppk NL
Pieter Wensveen Albumprinter NL
Radomir Drndarski comScore NL
Ramon Mayenburg Sonepar NL
Rein Groot ReinGroot.nl NL
Reinier Ladan Digital Energy @Reinier NL
Reinier Vlemmings Intrasurance Technology Services NL
Richard Fitzjohn Red Ant Digital @fitz0019 UK
Richard Nieuwenhuis Mediamonks NL
Rien Swagerman Viewbook @rienswagerman NL
Robert van der Elst Modern Media NL
Rodney Rehm medialize @rodneyrehm DE
Roel Nieskens Coosto @pixelambacht NL
Rogier Barendregt Usethetics NL
Ronald Mansveld Pixelindustries @ronaldmansveld NL
Rowan Zajkowski Rowan Zajkowski @rowanzajkowski NL
Rowdy Rabouw double-R webdevelopment @rowdyrabouw NL
Roy Tomeij 80beans @roy NL
Rudin Swagerman Viewbook NL
Sam van der Heijden Blue Mango NL
Samuel Ondrek @ondrek SK
Sander Wapstra the valley NL
Sascha Bregenhorn netzrocker @netzrocker DE
Sead Memic SIMgroep NL
Serge van den Oever Macaw NL
Siebe Hiemstra Blue Mango @code_or_else NL
Sietse de Ruiter Dutch Open Projects NL
Sjors Spoorendonk VI Company @sjorsjes NL
Stef van den Berg Everest NL
Stef van den Ham NoProtocol @stefvdham NL
Stefanie Schneider Exozet Berlin @lhtdesignde DE
Steffan Williams Steffan Williams @steffanwilliams UK
Stephan Bakker StephanBakker.nl NL
Stephan van der Zwan NL
Stephen Hay Zero Interface @stephenhay NL
Steve Barnett Unboxed Consulting @maxbarners ZA
Steven Straatemans MYLAPS NL
Stuart van Beek Mediamonks NL
Susanna Calén Karolinska Institutet University library @Sanna_C SE
Sylvia Korving Automatique NL
Tab Atkins Google @tabatkins US
Tamara Forza OCOM Technologies NL
Thanos Samarinas Paramana @zerots NL
Thijs Busser iTouch design @tbusser NL
Thijs Kramer Coöperatie VGZ NL
Thijs Reijgersberg @ysbreker NL
Tim Verheijke Spil Games NL
Timo Brundel Modern Media NL
Tobias Tom succont e.K. @tobiastom DE
Tom Greuter tomgreuter.nl @ludder NL
Tom Janssens Timble @janssenstom BE
Tommy Pyatt Ampersand Commerce @tommy_pyatt UK
Vadim Makeev Opera Software @pepelsbey RU
Vasilis van Gemert @vasilis NL
Victor Freriks DivTAG NL
Victor Zuydweg @VZuydweg NL
Vinay M Artminister Singapore @rmdort SG
Vincent Bruijn Strawberries NL
Vivienne van Velzen Torin internet applications NL
Wart Claes Head Office BE
Wendy Hendricksen SIMgroep @Wendy_twit NL
Wes Oudshoorn Wes Oudshoorn @wesoudshoorn NL
Wesley Lancel MijnStudent @wesleylancel NL
William Parr Hamaka @Xurk NL
Wim Feringa ITC-University of Twente NL
Yoeran Luteijn Yoeran Luteijn @yoeran NL
Youdi Benassuli Theodoor Gilissen Bankiers @timbres_maroc NL
Yousef Cisco Ampersand Commerce @yousefcisco UK
Yulyia Buhvalova Sup Media RU
Yvo Haring Sixmo NL