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See the 2025 line-up

On 15th of June, 2018, the sixth CSS Day took place in Amsterdam. On 14th of June we ran a UX Special.
Schedule · Speakers · Attendees · Sponsors

Day 1: UX Special

08:15 Doors open breakfast, coffee & registration
09:00 Alla Kholmatova From Purpose to Patterns
09:50 Jenny Shen Build bridges, not walls—Design for users across cultures
10:40 <br>
11:10 Jane Austin Ten ways to irritate your design team
12:00 Benjamin De Cock Motion & Playfulness
12:50 Lunch <br>
13:50 Nadieh Bremer Data Sketches: a year of exotic data visualizations
14:40 Vitaly Friedman Dirty Little Tricks From The Dark Corners of eCommerce
15:30 <br>
16:00 Ida Aalen User testing on any budget
16:50 Andy Budd The Accidental Leader
17:40 Party drinks, discussions & UX Cocktail Hour

Day 2: CSS Day

08:15 Doors open breakfast, coffee & registration
09:00 Eric Meyer The Friction of Web Standards
09:50 Richard Rutter Web Typography
10:40 <br>
11:10 Hidde de Vries The web is ready for great graphic design
12:00 Sara Soueidan SVG Filters — The Crash Course
12:50 Lunch <br>
13:50 Greg Whitworth Solving container queries today
14:40 Hui Jing Chen Box Alignment
15:30 <br>
16:00 Ire Aderinokun CSS for the next billion users
16:50 Bruce Lawson CSS-in-JS: FTW || WTF?
17:40 Party drinks & discussions

UX Special, Thursday 14th of June

Your MC: Ruben Bos

Ruben is a lecturer in Creative Technologies and advises companies about UX, web & app development. Before that, Ruben was Creative Director at Mangrove. His work includes launching a responsive ICRC.org. In 2007 he published a book about webdesign aimed at clients of digital agencies. He has been a speaker at events like Fronteers, SXSW interactive and host at our conferences.

From Purpose to Patterns

At the heart of every well functioning design system there's a set of design principles — a shared criteria for what good design means for a particular team and a product.

In this talk I’ll share insights from my long-term research on what makes effective design principles, how to define them, and how principles manifest through design patterns.


Alla Kholmatova

Alla is a UX and interaction designer with a nine-year experience of working on the web, for a range of products and companies. She’s particularly interested in design systems, language, and collaborative ways of working. In the last two years this interest has led her to spend a huge amount of time working on and researching the subject. She’s been sharing her insights with people through articles, workshops, projects, and most recently – a book. Alla contributes to design publications, such as A List Apart, and speaks at conferences around the world.

Build bridges, not walls—Design for users across cultures

As Internet access expands to the far corners of the world, product makers have the chance to see their work used by millions of people worldwide. To create products for international users, we must be aware of the full range of human diversity with respect to language, culture and other forms of human difference. If the product doesn't adapt to users' differences and the rapidly changing world, our work will not truly meet the users' needs. Join this talk to hear how Jenny designed for users in Europe, North- and South America, Asia, and Southeast Asia.

Video, slides

Jenny Shen

Jenny (@jennyshen) is a Senior UX/Product Designer at Toptal who creates digital products for companies across the globe. She has worked with over 20 clients, from innovative startups to brands like Neiman Marcus, eBuddy, TravelBird, Randstad, Deskbookers and more. With a passion for helping newcomers in UX to grow, she mentors designers under her mentorship program. In her spare time, she is advocating for diversity and empowering women to succeed as the founder of Ladies that UX Amsterdam, the largest women in the tech community in The Netherlands.

10 Easy Ways To Irritate Your Design Team

How can good design be integrated into your business profitably? Jane will answer this question by considering the ‘anti-problem’. She will share 10 ways designers and business people can guarantee their behaviours and activities will ensure they never see eye-to-eye, their efforts will be wasted and everyone involved will know it is not their fault. You will probably recognise most of these techniques in action in your own organisation. That is the anti-pattern.

If things are going to change for the better, do the opposite.


Jane Austin

UX Specialist Jane Austin is Director of Design and User Experience at MOO, the fastest growing print business in the world.

Jane currently works as Director of Design and UX at MOO, the online print business that is passionate about great design and the difference it can make to its customers and the world. Prior to this she was Head of UX at Telegraph Media Her skills have been developed with time at Government Digital Service (GDS), IG Index and various startups and agencies.

Her biggest passion at work is for building high performance teams and demonstrating the value that design can bring to an organisation.

Motion & Playfulness

While everyone enjoys delightful interfaces, polishing the user experience is rarely the priority when building new products. Animations are more often than not considered as superfluous, with every interaction effect or visual feedback not strictly required to makes things work considered as low priority. However, a human-centered design process is, in fact, key to a product's success. It contributes to create products people don't only need to use, but want to use, driving up user satisfaction and engagement. In this session, Benjamin will share real-world examples and best practices on how to deliver efficient and enjoyable experiences, build a brand that conveys trust, and make customers happy.


Benjamin De Cock

Benjamin (@bdc) is a Belgian user interface designer and front-end developer at Stripe. He is also a member of the CSS Working Group as part of a broader involvement of Stripe in the W3C.

Data Sketches: a year of exotic data visualizations

"Data sketches" was a year-long collaboration between Nadieh Bremer and Shirley Wu, both freelancing data visualisation designers. Each month they chose a topic and visualised it in an overly elaborate & geeky manner. But besides sharing the end result, they also wrote extensively about the creation process. In this talk, Nadieh will share her most important lessons learned in the fundamental areas of data, sketching & coding. About how some months became favourites, what mistakes were made, and how they were overcome. She'll highlight that many visualizations had humble, ugly duckling beginnings, but that through many (embarrassing) iterations they were turned into unique and, hopefully, compelling results.


Nadieh Bremer

Nadieh is a graduated Astronomer, turned Data Scientist, turned self-taught Data Visualization Designer. After working for a consultancy & fintech company where she discovered her passion for the visualization of data, she's now working as a freelancing data visualization designer under the name "Visual Cinnamon". She focuses on uniquely crafted (interactive) data visualizations that both engage and enlighten its audience. Secretly, she wouldn't mind venturing into data & generative art as well.

Dirty Little Tricks From The Dark Corners of eCommerce

An average abandonment rate in eCommerce is around 65–68%. Often it’s caused by ambiguous buttons, labels or copywriting as well as severe problems related to finding or understanding products as well as slow and painful checkout experience. We can’t bring the abandonment rate to 0, but we can shave off at least 10% with some minor and straightforward optimizations.

In this talk, we’ll look into the psychology of eCommerce and common ways to improve conversion, authentication, product listing and filtering, checkout optimizations, payment flows, optimizations for mobile and new opportunies. Let’s get to the bottom of a perfect eCommerce UX: that means removing distractions, minimizing friction and avoiding disruptions and dead ends caused by the interface.


Vitaly Friedman

Vitaly loves beautiful content and does not give up easily. From Minsk in Belarus, he studied computer science and mathematics in Germany, discovered the passage a passion for typography, writing and design. After working as a freelance designer and developer for 6 years, he co-founded Smashing Magazine, a leading online magazine dedicated to design and web development. Vitaly is the author, co-author and editor of all Smashing books. He currently works as editor-in-chief of Smashing Magazine in the lovely city of Vilnius, Lithuania.

User testing on any budget

Most of us will agree user testing is a good idea. So how come we don't do it more often? In this talk, Ida will show you how to do user testing even on tiny budgets and with almost no time available. She'll share practical tips and tools, as well as hands-on examples. We've even heard she swears that everyone will find at least one technique they can start using tomorrow. Bonus? She'll share arguments to convince your boss to spend more resources on user testing.

Video, slides & resources

Ida Aalen

Ida Aalen is Chief Product Officer and co-founder of the video conferencing startup Confrere. Ida has 10 years of experience with UX and content strategy. Before joining Confrere, she worked for seven years at the consultancy Netlife Design.

She’s especially happy when she gets to work with people from other fields than her own. She’s passionate about user testing and user research, and has made it her mission to prove that there’s no such thing as no time or no resources for user testing. You can check out her writings on Medium or A List Apart - and she’s always happy to chat on Twitter.

The Accidental Leader

Andy first came to prominence in our industry as a designer and web standards enthusiast. He was driven by a desire to improve and professionalise the industry, which is how he came to start the UKs first user experience consultancy, Clearleft. He never set out to be a design leader, but now find himself leading a team of thirty people, almost by accident.

In a quest to understand what makes a great leader, and help his friends in newly minted leadership positions, Andy started the Leading Design conference and Slack community in 2016. Over the past couple of years, Andy has interviewed dozens of prominant leaders and listened in on hundreds of Slack conversations about the art and craft of leadership.

In this session, Andy recounts his journey into leadership, shares his successes and failures, and the important lessons he’s learned on the way. The result is a talk packed full of design leadership heuristics suitable for anybody who is a leader, wants to be a leader, or has a leader.


Andy Budd

As a renowned UX Designer and CEO of Clearleft, Andy helps companies like The BBC, John Lewis and Penguin Random House with issues of digital transformation. Andy is a regular speaker at international conferences like SXSW, An Event Apart and The Next Web. He also curates the UX London, dConstruct and Leading Design conferences. In 2011, Andy co-founded the Brighton Digital Festival, a citywide celebration of digital culture attracting 40,000 visitors and over 190 events. Andy is a serial entrepreneur, dabbles with Angel investing and mentors at Seedcamp. These are just some of the reasons his company has won Netmag Agency of the Year on several occasions, and he's appeared on both the Wired 100 and BIMA 100 lists. Never happier than when he's diving some remote tropical atoll, Andy is a qualified PADI dive instructor and retired shark wrangler.

CSS Day, Friday 15th of June

Your MC: Rachel Andrew

Rachel is a front and back-end web developer, author and speaker. Her 22 published books include The New CSS Layout for A Book Apart. Rachel is co-founder of the CMS Perch, is Editor in Chief of Smashing Magazine, a Google Developer Expert, and an Invited Expert to the CSS Working Group where she is co-editor of the Multi-column layout spec. In all her spare time she is learning to fly aeroplanes. She writes about business and technology on her own site at rachelandrew.co.uk.

The Friction of Web Standards

In March 2017, four major browsers shipped stable, consistent CSS Grid implementations in the span of just three weeks. That's amazing-- but wait, why aren't ALL new feature debuts like that? And why does it take so darned long to ship new features after implementation is begun, like the literal years it took to ship Grid? In this talk, Eric will focus on one of the biggest and least appreciated reasons: the growing friction of specification interaction. He'll not only explore some of the challenges specification authors and implementors face, but also how we all can help overcome that friction and keep the web interoperable.

Video, slides

Eric Meyer

Eric (@meyerweb) has been a burger flipper, a college webmaster, an early blogger, one of the original CSS Samurai, a member of the CSS Working Group, a consultant and trainer, and a Standards Evangelist for Netscape. Currently, he is technical lead at Rebecca’s Gift and co-founder of An Event Apart with Jeffrey Zeldman. Among other things, Eric wrote Design For Real Life for A Book Apart and CSS: The Definitive Guide for O’Reilly, created the first official W3C test suite, and assisted in the creation of microformats. Eric lives with his family in Cleveland, Ohio, which is a much nicer city than you’ve probably heard.

Web Typography

Typography is what comes between the author and the reader. This is as true on the web as it is in any other medium. If a text has anything at all significant to say, it needs a typographer’s care, which will in turn be repaid by the reader’s attention. If you design websites or use CSS then you are a typographer whether you know it or not. This talk will give you will give a set of guidelines that deftly combine implement­ation details with typographic theory and set you on the road to designing beautiful and effective responsive typography.

Video, slides

Richard Rutter

Richard is a founding partner of Clearleft, a digital design consultancy based in Brighton, UK. Richard is an accomplished technical author and has spoken around the world about web typography and user experience design. In 2009, Richard co-founded the web font service Fontdeck as a way to unite web designers and type designers in introducing rich typography to the web. Richard recently crowd-funded and self-published his book, Web Typography.

The web is ready for great graphic design

Some of the world's greatest print design was made on known canvases, with known content using known color options. On the web, we have more flexible tools. Media queries, flexible units, Grid Layout and Flexbox let us do great graphic design. With flexibility.

In this talk, I will show some of the CSS that puts great graphic design into practice on the web. Get inspired by some of the icons from the history of graphic design, while learning new properties that you can use in projects today.

Video, slides

Hidde de Vries

Hidde (@hdv) is a front-end web developer. On his blog he writes about HTML, CSS, JavaScript and accessibility. As a freelancer, he helps governments, organisations and companies with fast, scalable and accessible front-end solutions for their end users.

SVG Filters — The Crash Course

When it comes to graphical effects on the Web, CSS has already come a long way in the last few years, with the introduction of CSS filters and blend modes a few years back. However, when compared to effects available in graphics editors such as Photoshop and the likes, CSS is still behind, by far. But SVG, on the other hand, is not that far behind.

SVG comes with a set of filter primitives that enable you to recreate Photoshop-grade effects in the browser, using a few lines of code. While the syntax and attributes of these filters may seem intimidating and not very friendly at first, once you get a grasp of how they work, you'll have a very powerful tool in your arsenal, that allows you to push the boundaries of what is possible on the Web.

In this talk, Sara is going to give you a crash course on SVG filters — why they are awesome, how they work, and examples of powerful effects you can create with them, in an friendly, easy-to-follow approach. Brace yourself, and get ready to set your imagination free and expand your creativity for what's possible on the Web today.


Sara Soueidan

Sara is a Lebanese freelance front-end web developer working with companies across the globe, building clean, responsive front-ends for Web sites and applications focused on accessibility, progressive enhancement and performance. She also runs workshops on front-end development and writes technical articles on her blog and for various big publications. Sara wrote the Codrops CSS Reference, co-authored the Smashing Book 5, and has been voted the Developer of the Year in the 2015 net awards.

Solving container queries today

Container queries (a.k.a. element queries) are a concept that behave like CSS media queries, but rather than only changing styles based on the conditions of the viewport; allow them to change based on the size of the container. The request for container queries from web developers and designers seems to be everywhere. Why then, for something that is so commonly requested, not being solved? Or isn't it…?

In this talk we'll explore the problem space that CSS based container queries creates for browsers due to the architecture of the pipeline. More importantly, we'll utilize some newer JS APIs and clever CSS techniques to solve container query use cases - because is it really the width that we want to trigger the query on?

Video, slides

Greg Whitworth

Greg works on the rendering engine (EdgeHTML) of Microsoft Edge and is an avid advocate of enriching the web platform to empower web developers. He is a member of the W3C CSS Working Group and the CSS Houdini Task Force. He really enjoys trying to go after interop between web browsers in hopes of making the amazing experiences that web developers create, just work for their users. Prior to working with Microsoft, he was a full time web developer for over a decade working on small/medium sites and web applications.

Box Alignment

The web is fundamentally boxes. Every element in the document tree is a box. A lot of frustration with CSS often arises from trying to wrangle all the content on the page into their proper locations. CSS has gradually expanded over the years, granting us an increasing degree of control over the alignment, positioning and layout of these boxes.

CSS is ultimately a holistic technology, in that, even though you can use properties in isolation, the full power of CSS shines through when used in combination. This talk will not only dive into how box alignment works, but also cover its interactions with other key parts of CSS layout, like display and writing-mode, as well as show how this module will continue to evolve, making layout even easier moving forward.

Video, slides

Hui Jing Chen

Hui Jing is a self-taught designer and developer with an inordinate love for CSS. Reducing lines of code in her web projects makes her extremely happy. She used to play basketball full-time and launched her web career during downtime between training sessions.

CSS for the next billion users

There’s been a lot of talk lately about developing for the “next billion users”, which essentially means targeting users who are coming online for the first time in developing countries. This talk will be about different ways we can write CSS for the “next billion users”. I will talk about my experience developing websites for users in Nigeria and cover areas such as performance, accessibility, and progressive enhancement.

Video, slides

Ire Aderinokun

Ire is a self-taught Frontend Developer and User Interface Designer based in Lagos, Nigeria. She currently works as a Software Developer for eyeo, the company behind products like Adblock Plus and Flattr Plus, building open source software to make a better internet. Ire specialised in all things HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, but is passionate about all aspects of technology. She has written over 100 articles on these topics on her blog, bitsofco.de, and has spoken at conferences around Africa and the world.

CSS-in-JS: FTW || WTF?

Everyone's talking about CSS-in-JS. It's the Kim Kardashian of web development. And, as with Kimmie, opinions are polarised. To some, CSS in JS just makes sense: it's local to your component, it can't leak and, hey, I know how to write JavaScript and CSS is weird.

To others, CSS-in-JS is an abomination that makes them want to emulate Kimmie and "release a fragrance" in disdain. Why are scripters so afraid of the cascade? Why the hesitance about inheritance?

Let's look at what CSS seems to lack, what the CSS-in-JS libraries can teach us, so we don't do as Kim's buttocks did and "Break the Internet".

Video, slides

Bruce Lawson

Bruce is a web standards consultant for Wix Engineering. He’s been involved in web standards since 2002 (which is why he looks that bad). He was in the Web Standards Project’s Accessibility Task Force, was a member of the W3C Mobile Best Practices Working Group and co-authored the first full-length book on HTML5. Follow him @brucel, or brucelawson.co.uk

(Photo by Seb Lee-Delisle)


All attendees, 424 in total
Name Company Twitter Days From
Adam Chapman Eight Media UX NL
Adrián Bolonio willhaben internet service @bolonio Both AT
Aimee Raadman Eight Media UX NL
Albert Ribas Rotterdam Leisure Holding UX NL
Alessia Longo ibuildings UX IT
Alex Robinson Both UK
Alexander Hellmann Cybercon Both DE
Alina Riskute Telia Both DK
Alla Kholmatova Bulb @craftui Both UK
Andrea Vos Clearly @clearlydrea UX NL
Andreas Herold dotSource CSS DE
Andreas Isaak LOUIS INTERNET Both DE
Andreas Stebler WONDROUS @boldkrink UX CH
André Danieli ComeOn @DrDreLee Both SE
Andy Budd Clearleft @andybudd Both UK
Anke Willems Two Kings @ankedesign Both NL
Ann-Katrin Müller EXXETA Both DE
Anneke Sinnema @asinnema Both NL
Anouk van der Wulp Insyde @Anouk1811 Both NL
Anouschka Scholten Userneeds @anous UX NL
Antoine Beauvillain Spindle @French_Villain Both NL
Antonella Puglia Facile Both IT
Axel Ko Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen CSS NL
Bart Snoek BinckBank UX NL
Bas de Vleeschhouwer De Voorhoede Both NL
Bas Horsting Greetz CSS NL
Bas van Dun Mangrove UX NL
Beau van Essen Kees™ Internetbureau UX NL
Benjamin De Cock Stripe @bdc Both BE
Bernd Bullacher EXXETA Both DE
Bert De Swaef Vulpo @burtds Both BE
Bert Pauw DSW Zorgverzekeraar CSS NL
Bjorn van Beek Drukwerkdeal Both NL
Bob van Oorschot pool communicatie CSS NL
Bojan Apic Quesnay Both NO
Bram Dijkhuis Sqills Products Both NL
Bram Lodens Newance @bramlodens Both BE
Bram Smulders E-sites @bramsmulders Both NL
Bram Van Damme 3RDS @bramus Both BE
Bram Willemse @bramwillemse Both NL
Brecht De Ruyte Marlon @brechtDR Both BE
Brian van Bruggen Transfer Solutions UX NL
Bruce Lawson Wix Engineering @brucel Both UK
Camille Scholtz Lobbes.nl Both NL
Carl Beeth Thinking Design @carlbeeth Both BE
Carlos Rodrigues EV-Charged @vampaz Both NL
Chantal van Barneveld AlienTrick Media Creators Both NL
Chen Hui Jing @hj_chen Both SG
Christiaan Laarman Coolblue Both NL
Christian Schaefer @derSchepp Both DE
Christoph Haupt Both DE
Christoph Schafflinger Both AT
Christopher Rabl momox Both DE
Claudia Holdorp ProActive Software UX NL
Cristina Stela Rotterdam Leisure Holding UX NL
Cyd Stumpel @cydstumpel Both NL
Daan Nagtegaal ProActive Software UX NL
Damien Senger Fairphone @iamhiwelo UX NL
Daniel Koster SVB @DanielKoster_UX Both NL
Daniel Spronk Eight Media UX NL
Danielle Rameau BinckBank Both NL
Daniil Mischerin Mail.Ru Both RU
Danny Arntz Mangrove CSS NL
Danny Evenwel Zaaksysteem.nl CSS NL
Darice de Cuba Hogeschool Rotterdam @Darice Both NL
David Mahl Netconomy Germany CSS DE
Dennis Betman Social Brothers CSS NL
Dennis Roberts Zaaksysteem.nl Both NL
Diego Gonzáles Samsung Internet @diekus Both UK
Dimitrie Hoekstra GitLab @dimitrieh UX NL
Dominique de Lange CSS NL
Dorien Drees Driebit @doriend CSS NL
Doris van Duijl DSW Zorgverzekeraar UX NL
Doruk Pancaroglu STM Both TR
Dragan Elijas HelloCode Both NL
Drew McLellan @drewm Both UK
Ed Schenk Mediacollege Amsterdam Both NL
Ednan Pasagic Spindle Both NL
Elektra Papadaki Scherer Ingenieure CSS DE
Elizabeta Novakovic WONDROUS @acrossthegoals UX CH
Elizabeth Prins Driebit CSS NL
Elma Geurts Procurios Both NL
Elvira Poiters 23:Seconds Both BE
Emese Ponne Procurios Both NL
Emil Björklund inUse @thatemil Both SE
Eric Johansson Isotop Both SE
Eric Meyer @meyerweb Both US
Eric Poldervaart WeDigital.Garden UX NL
Erik Danielsson 24HR Malmö @_exrik_ Both SE
Erik de Zeeuw Luminis Apeldoorn Both NL
Erik Dunham @sofafort Both US
Erika Matulova ESET Both SK
Erwin Goossen Justlease @navelpluisje_nl CSS NL
Erwin Rietveld Ambrero Software UX NL
Evelien Borgers Procurios Both NL
Evert Eckhardt BinckBank Both NL
Evert Slagter 1020concepts @evertslagter CSS NL
Ezra Botter Bluebird Day CSS NL
Fabian Liehret arsmedium zwei Both DE
Fabio Nucatolo ibuildings UX IT
Fanny Carlstedt Isotop Both SE
Federico Fabbri BenevolentAI Both UK
Felix Borgmann meinestadt.de Both DE
Fleur de Kroon Redhotminute Both NL
Florian Bielsky Risk.Ident UX DE
Florian Lubnau macio Both DE
Florian Riekschnietz LOUIS INTERNET Both DE
Foster Gyan Bluestorm Solutions Both GH
Frank Baas Philips Both NL
Frank Bijker Mediacollege Amsterdam Both NL
Frank Zijlstra Béyonit @fzijlstra Both NL
Gaetano Ambrosino Eight Media UX NL
George Sait Coolblue Both NL
Giel Blankestijn Orange Juice UX NL
Greg Whitworth Microsoft @gregwhitworth Both US
Gregorio Campoverde Both US
Guido Medugno YOOX Net-a-Porter Group Both IT
Guido Slotboom Minescape Both NL
Gunther Lehmann BLITZEN Both DE
Gustav Eén Fröjd Interactive Both SE
Hans Grimm Grimm.nl @grimmweb CSS NL
Hans Kuijpers HKweb @hans2103 Both NL
Hasan Shahoud DatHuis Both NL
Helder Ferreira Gemini Design Both NL
Helene Shaikh @HeleneShaikh CSS BE
Herman Eberstadt van der Velden UWV @Herman_EvdV Both NL
Hermann Dettmann Exozet Berlin Both DE
Hidde de Vries @hdv Both NL
Hilde Paredaens VDAB @stazione91 Both BE
Hruy Weldemichael Booking Both NL
Hugo van Schaik Greetz UX NL
Ibe Garritsen a&m impact internetdiensten @ibegarritsen Both NL
Ida Aalen Confrere @idaaa Both NO
Ido Rosenthal Wix Engineering @idoros Both IL
Igor Warkentin Cybercon Both DE
Ingrid Arcas Gemini Design @iarcas Both NL
Ire Aderinokun eyeo @ireaderinokun Both NG
Isabela Nastasa Diconium Digital solutions @isabelanastasa Both DE
Ivan Grekov @igrekov Both UK
J.T. Houtenbos Crossmarx Both NL
Jacco de Heus Drukwerkdeal Both NL
Jacqueline Lievense Minescape Both NL
Jan Enning Kleinejan.org Both NL
Jan Guichelaar Both NL
Jan Jaap van Deursen Endouble / Netwerven Both NL
Jan Lemmens AMPLEXOR Both BE
Jan Van Hee UC Leuven-Limburg @vhjan Both BE
Jan van Hellemond jvhellemond @jvhellemond CSS NL
Jan Willem Nieuwland Greetz @sillyjw Both NL
Jana Sedova ESET Both SK
Jane Austin MOO @msjaneaustin Both UK
Jannie Breij Both NL
Jarno de Wit Incentro @jarno CSS NL
Jasper Huting Alteza CSS NL
Jay Huliselan BinckBank UX NL
Jean Cambruzzi UX UK
Jeffrey de Jongh Informaat Both NL
Jelle Sjollema Mediacollege Amsterdam @djsjollema Both NL
Jenny de Bever Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen @sjentweet CSS NL
Jenny Shen Toptal @jennyshen Both NL
Jens Oomen Portico Consultancy CSS NL
Jeremy Keith Clearleft @adactio Both UK
Jeroen Hulscher Ask Atticus @jeroenhulscher CSS NL
Jeroen Landsman Colours Both NL
Jeroen Sannen Continuous Both BE
Jeroen Trotz Event Engineers @eventwifi Both NL
Jeroen van Geel Oak & Morrow @jeroenvangeel UX NL
Jeroen van Woerkom 3w Media CSS NL
Jeroen Visschers Redhotminute Both NL
Jesse de Bruijne Effectory CSS NL
Jesse Groen Knowledge Values @DJ_Jessie89 Both NL
Jimmy van den Berg Effectory CSS NL
Jochem Bronzewijker Hamaka CSS NL
Jochen Verdeyen AMPLEXOR @jochenverdeyen Both BE
Joel Da Silva Joaquim meinestadt.de Both DE
Joey Schmitz Mediacollege Amsterdam Both NL
Johan Bergström Isotop Both SE
Johan Post Kees™ Internetbureau UX NL
Johan Ronsse Mono Company @wolfr_2 Both BE
Johan Smits Saxion University of Applied Sciences Both NL
Jon Pearse @jonpearse Both UK
Jonathan Snook @snookca Both CA
Joost van der Borg SSR @joostvanderborg Both NL
Jorgen Leijenaar Both NL
Joris Hulsbosch Colours Both NL
Jorrit Terpstra Evident Interactive Both NL
Jos Nienhuis ChipSoft @josnienhuis CSS NL
Joël Kuijten Spindle @pm5544 Both NL
Juan Rios NGTI @juanrios_nl Both NL
Jules Ernst 200 OK @JulezRulez Both NL
Julia Rietveld SSR Both NL
Julie Vanopdenbosch 2dotstwice @blemmie Both BE
Juozas Markevicius GoCardless CSS UK
Jérôme Raffin Ekino @JeromeRaffin Both FR
Kaj Rietberg Zorgweb @Kajrietberg Both NL
Kamila Zborowska-Tas TOPdesk Nederland Both NL
Karin Dolmans QNH Consulting Zuid Both NL
Karina Hinkelthein dotSource CSS DE
Karl Ludwig Weise @karlludwigweise Both DE
Kars Kremers Procurios Both NL
Kevin Lorenz IDAGIO Both DE
Kevin Olsson ComeOn @olssoneerz Both SE
Kiki den Blanken Rotterdam Leisure Holding UX NL
King Lam Pegasystems @KingLam Both NL
Klaus De Buysser Studio Emma @klausdebuysser Both BE
Krijn Hoetmer Qontent @krijnhoetmer Both NL
Kris Koenders Drukwerkdeal Both NL
Kristien Melaerts UC Leuven-Limburg Both BE
Kristofer Norén Isotop Both SE
Kszenija Kareljszkaja Euricom CSS BE
Lara Lopez @laraanabel Both NL
Lars van Galen Lobbes.nl Both NL
Lennart de Pender Reisburo Pelikaan Reizen @ldepender CSS NL
Leontien Kleibrink Mediacollege Amsterdam CSS NL
Lilla Virag Emarsys-Technologies Both HU
Linda Butkova ESET Both SK
Lionell Wiesell News Media Both NL
Liou Yamane Happa Design UX NL
Lisette Hensen Both NL
Lodovico Agnoli Facile UX IT
Lonneke van Otterdijk DSW Zorgverzekeraar UX NL
Loris Rigoni SNDS Socialandsearch Both CH
Luuk Hartsema Spindle @lkhrtsm Both NL
Maarten Brouwers murb @murb Both NL
Maarten den Breeijen DSW Zorgverzekeraar UX NL
Machiel Dalebout Gen25 Both NL
Manuel Haller Polo WONDROUS Both CH
Manuel Lieb Koch Kommunikation @skinwalk3r CSS CH
Marc Gispert Rotterdam Leisure Holding UX NL
Marc Stalfoort @mstalfoort Both NL
Marco Hordijk Coolblue UX NL
Marco Leuwer Cybercon Both DE
Mariano Garcia Drukwerkdeal Both NL
Marie Holter Quesnay @MarieHolter UX NO
Marieke Claassens Moneybird Both NL
Marius Linders Orange Juice CSS NL
Mark Leenders Spindle @mcleenders Both NL
Mark Verheij Mangrove CSS NL
Markus Winkelmann KPS digital Both DE
Marleen van den Brand Mangrove @leenx UX NL
Marloes Hautmann Ex Machina @throwingmarbles Both NL
Marlou Scholten AlienTrick Media Creators Both NL
Martien Bekema Drukwerkdeal @mbekema Both NL
Martijn Boeve @maboeve Both NL
Martijn Broere LimoenGroen @martijnbroere Both NL
Martijn de Jongh BinckBank Both NL
Martijn de Visser mdvisser UX NL
Martijn Jansen Orange Juice CSS NL
Martijn van Duuren @Martijnvduuren Both NL
Martin Hauenstein willhaben internet service @mahauens Both AT
Martin Jinda Ataccama Software @mardzis Both CZ
Martin Lenngren ComeOn @lenngren Both SE
Mathijs Provoost AMPLEXOR Both BE
Matteo Gilardoni @MatteoWebDesign Both UK
Matteo Magni YOOX Net-a-Porter Group Both IT
Matteo Pescarin WIPRO @ilPeach Both UK
Matthias Beitl @cssence Both AT
Matthias Reuter inovex @gweax Both DE
Maximiliaan Doorenspleet Tele2 Both NL
Melanie Briggeman Valtech Both NL
Melissa Luu Shopify Both CA
Melvin Reijnoudt TMG Gaspedaal.nl Both NL
Menno van Os Studio van Os Both NL
Micha Okkerman HelloCode CSS NL
Michael Hastrich 72/300 @mchaste Both NL
Michael Monshouwer Tele2 Both NL
Michaël Smets Optis Both BE
Michał Belka BlackRock Both UK
Michel de Meere I Love Interaction Design @micheldemeere UX NL
Michel Stomp Studio Stomp Both NL
Michiel Bijl Funda Real Estate @MichielBijl Both NL
Michiel Koning Brainbrothers Both NL
Michiel Vos Poort80 CSS NL
Milena Spaan Mediacollege Amsterdam CSS NL
Miroslav Orincak ESET Both SK
Misja van de Kamp Redhotminute Both NL
Miša Kaspar WONDROUS @misakaspar UX CH
Mojgan Zolghadr Incentro CSS NL
Nadav Abrahami Wix Engineering Both IL
Nadieh Bremer Visual Cinnamon @NadiehBremer Both NL
Nancy Bullmann EXXETA Both DE
Nick Koopmanschap Minescape Both NL
Nick van Soelen Valtech Both NL
Niek Adam Procurios Both NL
Niek Weevers a&m impact internetdiensten @nweevers Both NL
Niels Jongerden Indivirtual UX NL
Niels Leenheer HTML5test @html5test Both NL
Niels Schaafsma Transfer Solutions UX NL
Nikola Mirkovic ComeOn @theJohnnyMe Both SE
Ninke van der Veen pool communicatie CSS NL
Olga Mushkova Progress Software Both BG
Oscar Lillheden 24HR Malmö @_Orran Both SE
Outger Commandeur Mediacollege Amsterdam Both NL
Pamela Inostroza Ambrero Software UX NL
Pascal Korn meinestadt.de Both DE
Pascale de Rond DSW Zorgverzekeraar UX NL
Patricio Barrientos Rossi ComeOn @Negro_Pato Both SE
Paul Staal Both NL
Paul Steffens Macaw @sntxrrr Both NL
Paul van Buuren WBVB Rotterdam @paulvanbuuren Both NL
Pedro Duarte GuestCentric @pedromsduarte Both PT
Peter Boersma Freelance UX strategist @pboersma UX NL
Peter Goes De Voorhoede @petergoes Both NL
Peter Hilgersom De Nieuwe Zaak UX NL
Peter Holthuizen Poort80 @peterholthuizen CSS NL
Peter van Grieken Frozen Rockets @petervangrieken Both NL
Peter van Trigt Portbase Both NL
Peter Vermeulen Informaat @pturvermeulen UX NL
Peter Wulf Efficiency Online Both NL
Peter-Paul Koch QuirksMode.org @ppk Both NL
Petra Hagman Isotop Both SE
Phan Jan van Es Béyonit Both NL
Philipp Erck UNIDOMO @philerck Both DE
Quinten Clause Studio Emma Both BE
Rachel Andrew @rachelandrew Both UK
Rachel Nabors @rachelnabors Both US
Ralph Meeuws Valtech Both NL
Ramon Klanke BinckBank Both NL
Ramon Vloon Effectory CSS NL
Raul Ordonez Garcia TMG Gaspedaal.nl Both NL
Rayana Verissimo Backbase @imrayana Both NL
Raymond Stijntjes Both NL
Reinier Ladan Digital Energy @reinier UX NL
Reinier Meenhorst Eight Media @meenhorst UX NL
Remco Gaikema Storm Digital @rgaikema CSS NL
Remco Tak E-sites Both NL
Richard Maalman Portico Consultancy CSS NL
Richard Rutter Clearleft @clagnut Both UK
Ricky Admiraal Gen25 Both NL
Rob Duits Incentro CSS NL
Rob Rijken Inventis Both BE
Robby Warring Eight Media @verwarring UX NL
Robert Hantink Transfer Solutions UX NL
Robert van der Elst Rietveld Licht & Wonen @rvanderelst Both NL
Robin Garhwal RAKSUL UX JP
Roel Nieskens Kabisa @pixelambacht Both NL
Rogier Barendregt Rg/B @usethetics Both NL
Rogier Strobbe Tele2 @rogierstrobbe Both NL
Ron Jonk Informaat Both NL
Ron van de Graaf Spindle @ronvandegraaf Both NL
Rosmerta Goei Mediacollege Amsterdam Both NL
Rowdy Rabouw double-R webdevelopment @rowdyrabouw Both NL
Roxanne van den Aakster Matise Both NL
Ruben Bos @rubenbos Both NL
Ruliën Doran Portico Consultancy CSS NL
Saira Spier Both NL
Sakis Katsikas Werkspot Both NL
Sander Beuk BinckBank UX NL
Sander Both CSS NL
Sander Bras @sanderbras CSS NL
Sander Langendoen Kleefaan @kleefaan CSS NL
Sander van Scheepen Hamaka CSS NL
Sara Soueidan @SaraSoueidan Both LB
Sascha Bregenhorn n2 Studio @SaschaFromMars CSS DE
Sascha Künstler Moccu Both DE
Sebastiaan Scheers Colours Both NL
Seisa Ito BinckBank Both NL
Sergio de Bei Gemini Design Both NL
Sergio Lavanga Koch Kommunikation @SergioLavanga CSS CH
Sil van Diepen Matise @SilvanDiepen Both NL
Silke Gander STRATO Both DE
Silvia Copes Facile UX IT
Simon Kratz WONDROUS @simon_kratz UX CH
Sjoerd Huisman Orange Juice UX NL
Sofie Septor Informed Consulting Both BE
Sona Tovmasyan Workfront UX AM
Stan van der Heijden Social Brothers CSS NL
Stef Arts 3w Media CSS NL
Stefan Hellings Inventis Both BE
Stefan Pietzner Exozet Berlin Both DE
Stefan van Daalen Visual Reality @stefanvandaalen Both NL
Stefanie Laharnar Spoonflower @lhtdesignde Both DE
Stefano Lodovico Facile Both IT
Stephan Dijkman Informed Consulting Both NL
Stephanie Nemeth Werkspot @stephaniecodes Both NL
Stephen Hay Catawiki @stephenhay Both NL
Steve Maris FundRequest Both EE
Steven Verhoest VERVORM Both BE
Steyn van Esveld pool communicatie CSS NL
Susanna Minasyan Workfront UX AM
Sylvie Daumal WeDigital.Garden @lyoko4tw UX NL
Taka Nakamura RAKSUL UX JP
Tessa Majenburg DSW Zorgverzekeraar UX NL
Theo den Blanken Mediacollege Amsterdam @theodenblanken Both NL
Therese Albertsson Fröjd Interactive UX SE
Thijs Busser Redhotminute @tbusser Both NL
Thijs Reijgersberg @ysbreker Both NL
Thomas Alberola Ekino @Shug0 Both FR
Thomas van Zuijlen Baker's Dozen Consulting CSS NL
Tim Oerlemans Bluebird Day @timoerlemans CSS NL
Timo Brundel Minescape Both NL
Timothy Malabuyo Google @malabooboo Both US
Tobias Stöbe ePetWorld Both DE
Tom Bakker Transfer Consulting UX NL
Tom Gerrits Inventis CSS BE
Tom Henny Coolblue UX NL
Tom Offringa Spindle @toffringa Both NL
Tom Schalken E-sites Both NL
Tom von Hegedus BinckBank Both NL
Tony van Schaik AlienTrick Media Creators CSS NL
Tristan Kwant Mangrove CSS NL
Ulf Walter-Laufs trivago @jmulfiw Both DE
Vasilis van Gemert @vasilis Both NL
Victor Bastiaansen Kop erbij @vicpuntnl Both NL
Viktor Schultzberg Isotop Both SE
Vincent Markesteijn Eight Media UX NL
Vinícius Andrade Werkspot @vicnicius Both NL
Vitaly Friedman Smashing Magazine @smashingmag Both DE
Vlad Goran IDAGIO Both DE
Vladan Tacic ITSP Services Both AT
Volker Fricke BLITZEN @qpain Both DE
Vosnier Cambeses Polanco @vosnier Both BE
Vuong Ha Hogeschool Vives Zuid Both BE
Wesley Hekman 3w Media CSS NL
Wilfred Nas wnas @wnas Both NL
Willem Cohen De Nieuwe Zaak UX NL
Willemijn Bins Eend UX NL
Wim Hendrikx Inventis CSS BE
Wouter De Clercq Capgemini @doubleyou Both BE
Yarne Sluimer Eight Media UX NL
Yvette van Diepen Procurios Both NL
Yvette Veurink Driebit CSS NL
Zena Jose ComeOn @zena__jose Both SE