#ux-special + .css-day {
  June 14 & 15, 2018;
} /* SOLD OUT! */

Compagnietheater, Amsterdam

See our 2024 edition!


Day 1: UX Special

08:15 Doors open breakfast, coffee & registration
09:00 Alla Kholmatova From Purpose to Patterns
09:50 Jenny Shen Build bridges, not walls—Design for users across cultures
10:40 <br>
11:10 Jane Austin Ten ways to irritate your design team
12:00 Benjamin De Cock Motion & Playfulness
12:50 Lunch <br>
13:50 Nadieh Bremer Data Sketches: a year of exotic data visualizations
14:40 Vitaly Friedman Dirty Little Tricks From The Dark Corners of eCommerce
15:30 <br>
16:00 Ida Aalen User testing on any budget
16:50 Andy Budd The Accidental Leader
17:40 Party drinks, discussions & UX Cocktail Hour

Day 2: CSS Day

08:15 Doors open breakfast, coffee & registration
09:00 Eric Meyer The Friction of Web Standards
09:50 Richard Rutter Web Typography
10:40 <br>
11:10 Hidde de Vries The web is ready for great graphic design
12:00 Sara Soueidan SVG Filters — The Crash Course
12:50 Lunch <br>
13:50 Greg Whitworth Solving container queries today
14:40 Hui Jing Chen Box Alignment
15:30 <br>
16:00 Ire Aderinokun CSS for the next billion users
16:50 Bruce Lawson CSS-in-JS: FTW || WTF?
17:40 Party drinks & discussions

“#CSSday was really cool ! Nices talks ! Thanks to the organizers and speakers !” — Simon Lemoine