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On 9th and 10th of June, 2022, the eighth CSS Day took place in Amsterdam — the first post-Covid conference we ran, and the first time the conference was two days and the name “CSS Day” became a for-historical-purposes one.
Schedule · Speakers · Attendees · Sponsors

Day 1, June 9th

08:30 Doors open Registration, coffee, tea & croissants
09:30 Jeremy Keith In And Out Of Style
10:20 <br>
10:55 Rachel Andrew Interop 2022
11:50 Lea Verou CSS Variable Secrets
12:40 Lunch <br>
13:55 Bramus Van Damme The CSS Cascade, a deep dive
14:50 Ana Ferreira Collaborating without Borders
15:40 <br>
16:15 Chris Lilley Escaping the sRGB Prison
17:10 Marcin Wichary I pressed ⌘B. You wouldn’t believe what happened next
18:00 End of day 1 Drinks & discussions
21:00 Doors closed

Day 2, June 10th

08:30 Doors open Coffee, tea & croissants
09:30 Adam Argyle Oh Snap!
10:20 <br>
10:55 Michelle Barker Creative CSS Layout
11:50 Amit Sheen Getting Creative with Keyframes
12:40 Lunch <br>
13:55 Ben Evans The Joy of CSS
14:50 Maike Klip Service Design and Front End Interaction
15:40 <br>
16:15 Tab Atkins-Bittner The Future of Organizing Your CSS
17:10 Stephen Hay When Design Systems Lie
18:00 Conference closing Drinks & discussions
21:00 Doors closed ;(

Our MC!

Hui Jing Chen

Hui Jing is a self-taught designer and developer with an inordinate love for CSS. Reducing lines of code in her web projects makes her extremely happy. She used to play basketball full-time and launched her web career during downtime between training sessions.

In And Out Of Style

It’s an exciting time for CSS! It feels like new features are being added every day. And yet, through it all, CSS has managed to remain an accessible language for anyone making websites. Is this an inevitable part of the design of CSS? Or has CSS been formed by chance? Let’s take a look at the history—and some alternative histories—of the World Wide Web to better understand where we are today. And then, let’s cast our gaze to the future!

Video, slides

Jeremy Keith

Jeremy Keith lives in Brighton, England where he makes websites with the splendid design agency Clearleft. You may know him from such books as DOM Scripting, Bulletproof Ajax, and HTML5 For Web Designers: Return Of The Standards. He’s the curator of the Responsive Day Out conference, and he organised the world’s first Science Hack Day. He also made the website Huffduffer to allow people to make podcasts of found sounds—it’s like Instapaper for audio files. Jeremy spends most of his time goofing off on the internet, documenting his time-wasting on adactio.com, where he has been writing for over ten years.

Interop 2022

For the first time ever, all major browser vendors, and other stakeholders, have come together to solve the top browsers compatibility issues identified by web developers. Interop 2022 will improve the experience of developing for the web in 15 key areas. In this talk, you’ll find out how we got here, what the project focuses on, how success will be measured, and how you can track progress.

Video, slides & resources

Rachel Andrew

Rachel Andrew works for Google as a technical writer, working on web.dev and the Chrome Developers site. She is a front and back-end web developer, author and speaker, author or co-author of 22 books including The New CSS Layout and a regular contributor to a number of publications both on and offline. Rachel is a Member of the CSS Working Group, and can be found posting photos of her cats on Twitter as @rachelandrew.

CSS Variable Secrets

By now most developers use CSS custom properties on the regular, but few understand them deeply enough to harness their full power. Lea will take you on a journey from the practical to the mind-blowing, and from the widely implemented to the cutting edge, demonstrating a host of tips, tricks, and gotchas relating to CSS variables in her trademark interactive style. You will leave this talk with both your CSS toolbox and your mind refreshed, and a much deeper understanding of CSS custom properties that you ever thought possible.

Video, slides

Lea Verou

Lea has been working on improving the Web for over a decade, from many angles. She helps move Web technologies forwards, as an elected W3C Technical Architecture Group (TAG) member, and as a longtime CSS Working Group Invited Expert and co-editor of several CSS specs. She currently works at MIT, doing research at the intersection of usability and programming languages and intermittently teaching these topics. She is a well known speaker and author, having written several articles, book chapters, and the bestselling advanced CSS book CSS Secrets. Lea has also started several open source projects and web applications, such as Prism, Mavo, and Awesomplete. Her open source work is used on millions of websites. She tweets @leaverou and blogs at lea.verou.me. She holds a MSc in Computer Science from MIT. Despite her technical pursuits, Lea is one of the few misfits who love code and design equally.

The CSS Cascade, a deep dive

CSS is short for Cascading Style Sheets. But what exactly is this Cascade, and how does it work? What are Origins? How do you calculate Specificity? And where do those new Cascade Layers you might have heard of fit in? And oh, what exactly happens when you use an !important somewhere?

In this insightful talk, we’ll take a look under the hood of browsers, and detail how they determine which CSS declarations to apply and which not.

Video, slides

Bramus Van Damme

Bramus is a web developer from Belgium. From the moment he discovered view-source at the age of 14 (way back in 1997), he fell in love with the web and has been tinkering with it ever since.

As a Chrome Developer Relations Engineer at Google, he spreads the word on CSS, UI, and DevTools. Before joining Google, Bramus worked as a freelance developer in various front- and backend roles. For seven years he also was a College Lecturer Web & Mobile, educating undergrad students all about HTML, CSS, and JavaScript — in that order.

Collaborating without Borders

Fifty years ago, working meant a commute, regular work hours, and an office. Today, all it requires is a computer and a fast internet connection.

So, how can a fully distributed company come together to build reliable, coherent, and inspiring products used by millions of users worldwide?

From Communication Guidelines to Design Principles, from Ideation to Release, this talk will touch on all the essentials to make Remote Work work.

Video, slides

Ana Ferreira

Ana is Head of design at Doist. Ana started at Doist in 2013 after discovering her passion for creating applications that simplify peoples’ lives. Today, she leads the fully distributed design team from her home in Porto, Portugal, in all design efforts, from brand to product, for the task management app, Todoist, and the asynchronous messaging app, Twist.

Ana is passionate about design, product, usability, accessibility, and productivity. And she believes the future of work is remote.

Escaping the sRGB Prison

Imagine that I told you that you are only allowed to use two-thirds of the colors that your screen can display. All the brightest and most vivid shades are not allowed. Unacceptable, right?! Welcome to Web design for the last seven years. You might not know it but compared to native apps, you are in the sRGB Prison. After attending this talk you will understand the measurable, reproducible sensation we call color. You will understand Lab and OKLab color spaces, be comfortable with gamut volume plots, and be able to laugh at snake-oil claims about color gamut coverage in advertising. Having broken out of jail, and knowing the basics of perceptual uniformity, you will be really looking forward to seeing CSS Color 4 and 5 implemented in all browsers. This is an intermediate to advanced talk about the current state and near future of cutting edge color on the Web.

Video, slides

Chris Lilley

Chris Lilley is a Technical Director at the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). Considered “the father of SVG”, he also co-authored PNG, was co-editor of CSS2, chaired the group that developed @font-face, and co-developed WOFF and WOFF2. Ex Technical Architecture Group. Chris is co-editor of CSS Color levels 3, 4 and 5, and is the W3C representative to the International Color Consortium. Also, he's a recipient of an Emmy Award :-)

I pressed ⌘B. You wouldn’t believe what happened next

Whenever you press ⌘B in Figma, what happens is a choreography of events of surprising complexity. It’s a collision of two worlds – keyboard shortcuts and typography – each one with hundreds of years of history.

Video, sort of behind the scenes slide deck (in Figma)

Marcin Wichary

Marcin is a design manager working at Figma in San Francisco, focusing on the editor. He was previously at Medium, Code for America, and Google. He’s also finishing a book about the history of keyboards and typing.

Oh Snap!

CSS scroll-snap is a classic CSS property; small, innocent looking API with huge potential. Learn the basics and value essentials of CSS scroll-snap, the ancillary properties scroll-padding and scroll-margin, debugging with DevTools, plus a bag of snap tricks and glimpse into supporting future properties.

Video, slides, snap gallery, Scroll Snap 2 spec

Adam Argyle

Adam is a bright, passionate, punk engineer with an adoration for the web. He prefers using his skills for best in class UI/UX and empowering those around him. While currently a developer advocate at Google on Chrome, he’s worked at small app agencies, medium design agencies, startups, and consulting companies. At those companies his roles spanned product lead, front end architect, ui/ux engineer, ux designer, service designer and platform lead. These roles lead to developing over 50+ web apps across nearly every imaginable stack and screen size. His perspective on web dev is extracted from these experiences.

Creative CSS Layout

CSS layout has moved along in leaps and bounds in the past few years. Beyond flexbox and Grid, there is aspect-ratio, min, max and clamp functions, custom properties, and logical properties, all of which can help us solve common layout challenges. Plus a whole new range of features on the horizon (with some already landing in browsers!), including subgrid, container queries and the :has() pseudo-class (or “parent selector”). As developers, the challenge is no longer whether something can be done in CSS, but which of these tools to reach for in our CSS toolbox! This session will aim to bring you up to speed with modern CSS layout, and demonstrate some creative use cases.

Video, slides

Michelle Barker

Michelle is a Senior Front End Developer at Ada Mode, with an interest in green tech and creative coding. She is author of front-end blog CSS { In Real Life }, a writer for Smashing Magazine, Codrops and CSS Tricks, and a regular speaker on CSS topics. She has a background in illustration, and enjoys tinkering with code in creative demos and side projects, as well as helping others to fall in love with CSS.

Getting Creative with Keyframes

Working with keyframes can be difficult even if you only have one animation, but the real problems begin when you have 3 objects with 5 animations, each of which has different keyframes, duration, timing-function… and yet they all need to be exactly synchronized. So how do we do that?!

Video, slides and demos

Amit Sheen

Amit is an experienced web developer, doing mainly front-end, specializing in CSS, animations, and creative coding. Over the years he's taken part in developing dozens of advanced web/mobile applications from the ground up, and he's always ready for a new challenge. Amit has an entrepreneurial mindset, a pathological curiosity about new technologies, and a constant desire to learn new things.

The Joy of CSS

A full Bob Ross style CSS landscape live-coding session. Ben will show us what the point of drawing with CSS is, and why laziness isn’t something to be ashamed of. We’ll take a peek inside Ben’s brain and his life as a designer.

Video, slides and talk outline

Ben Evans

I’m a CSS artist, frontend developer, UX/UI designer and illustrator. I absolutely love being creative. Design is my life. I have done nothing else in my spare time since before I can remember. From designing Lego spaceships as a young boy, to designing and building websites used by millions today. It’s something I do before going to bed, and something I can’t wait to do in the mornings.

Service Design and Front End Interaction

I have been working as a service design researcher for almost ten years in governmental organisations. But since I tracked a month of my own digital relation with ‘the government’ I have a new look on how government services should be designed. In my talk I’m going to take you on a trip through the complex world of digital governmental services and how democratic principles and user research should complement each other. You will have a new look on service design and front end interaction and you will realise that working in design might even be more political than being a member of parliament.

Video, slides & text

Maike Klip

Maike is a designer/researcher and works for the Dutch government. She has worked on digital services like student finance, the integration law and she helped develop the CoronaMelder app. She also did a photo series called ‘De begripvolle ambtenaar’ which researches the role of empathy in digital government. Last year she started working at the National ombudsman doing more contextual research into the (digital) relation citizens have with the government, for example in cases like the consequences of the gas extraction in the North of the Netherlands. She shares her work and process on her research blog.

Keeping Your CSS Small: scopes, containers, and other new abilities

When CSS was first created, web pages were pretty small and, honestly, not very complicated. That's no longer the case, but CSS has been slow in adapting to this new reality and helping authors deal with their complexity explosion. As a result, authors have had to turn to complex CSS management strategies, like atomic CSS or CSS-in-JS, to keep things understandable.

This is no longer the case! I'll go over a number of new pieces of CSS and DOM technology, both mature and upcoming, that helps authors manage their CSS and keep things understandable *without* having to adopt some complex new tooling.

Video, slides

Tab Atkins-Bittner

I’m Tab Atkins-Bittner. I work as a spec hacker for Google on the Chrome team, working on CSS and other assorted web tech, and am the author of the Bikeshed spec-processing tool. I’m queer, a gamer (board and video), and love animals.

When Design Systems Lie

Design systems come with promises. But sometimes they lie. Let’s explore when this happens, why it happens, and what we might do about it.


Stephen Hay

Californian by birth and Dutchman by choice, Stephen is an art director, designer-who-codes, and writer. He designed and built his first website in 1995 while art directing for a design firm. He left print behind. The things that happened after that could turn a conference bio into a book—a thriller, even. Stephen is currently Creative Director at Rabobank.

Stephen wrote the book Responsive Design Workflow, which is all about content first, progressive enhancement, low-fi wireframing, and browser-based prototyping.

All attendees, 290 in total
Name Company Twitter From
Adam Argyle Google @argyleink US
Adrian Nita ING Hubs Bucharest RO
Alba Silvente Storyblok @dawntraoz NL
Alexandru Adeaconitei ING Hubs Bucharest @Ade_the_thinker RO
Amit Sheen Wix @amit_sheen IL
Ana Ferreira Doist @theanaferreira PT
Andrew Dyton Valtech @andyvidual DK
Anke Willems Flink @ankedesign NL
Anna Ehlenbruch 9elements DE
Annaëlle Sagot OCTO Technology FR
Arthur van Schravendijk Hogeschool van Amsterdam NL
Aurélie Plane NL
Barry van Bronkhorst SVB NL
Bart Vander Sanden Studio Pompelmoes BE
Bart Veneman Drukwerkdeal.nl @bartveneman NL
Bas Boerman @basboerman NL
Ben Evans @ivorjetski UK
Bernard Skibinski iO Digital Den Bosch NL
Bernd de Ridder Four Digits @fourdigits NL
Bertijn Pauwels Acolad Digital Belgium BE
Bethuel Heldt Mediacollege Amsterdam NL
Bobby van der Sluis Rabobank NL
Bogdan Arvinte ING Hubs Bucharest @BogdanArvinte RO
Bojan Apic Stacc Quesnay NO
Boudewijn Van Autreve Telenet BE
Bram Smulders bram.is @bramsmulders NL
Bramus Van Damme Google @bramus BE
Brecht De Ruyte iO @utilitybend BE
Carl Mensah Etch @etch UK
Cedric Kring PricewaterhouseCoopers DE
Charis Rooda Smashing Magazine @charis NL
Chen Hui Jing @hj_chen SG
Chris Burdess bfo.com FR
Chris Lilley W3C @svgeesus US
Christian Hausberg web fabric DE
Christian Kienast 9elements DE
Christian Schaefer @derSchepp DE
Clément Chaumel FR
Coen de Zeeuw Recognize NL
Constantijn Herpers Rabobank NL
Cyd Stumpel Cyd @cydstumpel NL
Daan Korver Hogeschool van Amsterdam NL
Dan Webb Etch @danwebbbb UK
Daniel Lehner Netural @lehner_daniel AT
Daniel van der Velden OneWelcome NL
Daniël Koster SVB NL
Danny de Vries Hogeschool van Amsterdam @dandevri NL
Darice de Cuba @Darice NL
Darren Cadwallader bitcrowd DE
Dauvith Nespethal 9elements DE
David Arrowsmith twentysix @dev_arrowsmith UK
Deanna Bosschert Hogeschool van Amsterdam @tech_kech NL
Dennis Claassens Moxio NL
Dennis Jauernig Factorial @dnnsjrng DE
Derek Erb Derek Erb Solutions @DCEFrance FR
Desi Balk Carthago ICT NL
Diana Broeders Malmberg NL
Domi Arts Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen NL
Dora Michalostamou Adyen NL
Edgar Gressie Nederlandse Transplantatie Stichting NL
Edwin Kalkman VI Company NL
Egor Kloos Informaat @dutchcelt NL
Elektra Chrysi Papadaki @zimtzuckerzicke DE
Emanuele Macri Prima Assicurazioni @emanuelemacri IT
Erik de Zeeuw Luminis NL
Erwan Chedaleux Mangas Gambling Engineering FR
Evelien Borgers Procurios NL
Evgen Chuev Factorial DE
Fleur de Kroon We are you (Becoming iO) NL
Flora Guy-Coichard OCTO Technology FR
Florian Soller Safety io @flsoller DE
Frank Bijker Mediacollege Amsterdam NL
Frans Heeman Elsevier NL
Fransz Loth Aon NL
Fredrik Hård Studentlitteratur SE
Fynn Becker Factorial @MVSde DE
Gav McKenzie Etch @gavynmckenzie UK
Geert Schilder Less or More NL
Gerhard Derksen Mediacollege Amsterdam NL
Giampiero Sciarra Prima Assicurazioni IT
Guido Slotboom RecruitNow NL
Hans Wouters Flusso NL
Hassan Hafez Adyen NL
Heidi Ulrich Exxtra Interactive NL
Heleen Boland Freelance UX designer NL
Hendrik Drent Moxio NL
Hidde de Vries @hdv NL
Hugo Laurman Uptrends NL
Iain van der Wiel iO @iain_vdw NL
Irina Nazarkova Telenet BE
J.H. Goudzwaard Syntess Software NL
Jacqueline Lievense RecruitNow NL
James Peter Perrone Jefferies De Voorhoede NL
Jan Donath 9elements DE
Jan Enning Kleinejan.org NL
Jan Six GitHub @six7 AT
Jan Van Hee UCLL @vhjan BE
Jan van Hellemond jvhellemond @jvhellemond NL
Jarne W. Beutnagel Business Academy SouthWest @beutnagel DK
Jasha Joachimsthal OneWelcome @jashaj NL
Jeffrey de Jongh Informaat NL
Jeremy Keith Clearleft @adactio UK
Jeroen Geerbex Recognize NL
Jeroen Kampinga iO NL
Jerry van der Lek Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen NL
Jessica Keith @wordridden UK
Jesu Castillo Adyen @jesujcastillom NL
Jim Ramsden Etch @ramsden UK
Joan Padolina De Voorhoede NL
Jochen Verdeyen Acolad Digital Belgium BE
Joep Gravemaker Mediacode NL
Jof Neuhaus Mediacollege Amsterdam NL
Johan Smits Saxion University of Applied Sciences NL
Johnny Nas Less or More NL
Jon Pearse @jonpearse UK
Jonas Brabant smartphoto group BE
Jonathan Dallas Apple Inc. @doctype_jon US
Joost Faber Hogeschool van Amsterdam @joost_faber NL
Joost van Maasakkers triptic NL
Jorgen Leijenaar Rabobank NL
Joris Hulsbosch iO @portfolioris NL
Joris Laenen Less or More NL
Josh Rose Etch @joshthewanderer UK
Josh Tumath BBC @joshtumath UK
Judith Plath Factorial DE
Julian Kuhlmann con terra @sasquotschi DE
Julian Laubstein 9elements DE
Julian Schäfer Factorial @jlnschfr1 DE
Julie Vanopdenbosch Doccle @blemmie BE
Justus Sturkenboom Hogeschool van Amsterdam @ju5tu5 NL
Kai Hollberg DeepL @schweinepriestr DE
Kamila Zborowska-Tas TOPdesk Nederland NL
Karla Benites Ponce STRATO DE
Kay van der Born Gaslicht.com NL
Koop Reynders Hogeschool van Amsterdam NL
Krijn Hoetmer Web Conferences Amsterdam @krijnhoetmer NL
Kristien Kellens Acolad Digital Belgium BE
Kunal Mathur Adyen NL
Laura Trapani Prima Assicurazioni IT
Laurence Hughes FreeAgent @fuzzylogicx UK
Lea Verou MIT @LeaVerou US
Lisa Deckers Informaat NL
Lois Hangelbroek Mediacollege Amsterdam NL
Lucas Stadelmeyer PricewaterhouseCoopers DE
Lucien Immink iO @lucienimmink NL
Maarten Van Hoof iO @mrtnvh BE
Maarten Zilverberg Informaat @mzilverberg NL
Maarten van Gelder Viisi Hypotheken NL
Maike Klip Nationale ombudsman @manuelame NL
Malene Patsche Business Academy SouthWest @MalenePatsche DK
Manon Wauters Acolad Digital Belgium BE
Marciano Schildmeijer Kabisa @MarcianoSRS NL
Marcin Wichary Figma @mwichary US
Marijn Tijhuis Fat Pixel @MarijnTijhuis NL
Marine Baillet Mangas Gambling Engineering FR
Mark Feenstra Synetic @markkes NL
Martijn Nieuwenhuizen GRRR NL
Martijn Rondeel Adyen NL
Martijn van Duuren NL
Martijn van Ginkel De Voorhoede NL
Matan Sanbira Loadmill IL
Matthew Pickard bfo.com UK
Matías Fornés Shopify NL
Melinda de Roo Luminis NL
Michael Großklaus Factorial @mgrossklaus DE
Michael Hastrich 72/300 @mchaste72 NL
Michael Maat Nederlandse Transplantatie Stichting NL
Michael Marigliano Computas DK
Michelle Barker Ada Mode @MicheBarks UK
Michelle Harjani 37signals @michelleharjani CA
Michèle van den Aardweg GRRR NL
Mieke Debels smartphoto group BE
Mike Bremford bfo.com UK
Mike Savage Safety io DE
Minh Nguyen RheinEnergie DE
Mirzet Kameric EVBox NL
Nadir Aboulkassimi UC Leuven BE
Natalia Zmyslowska BBC @ItsMeNatalie___ UK
Neil Osman Wix.com @neil_osman IL
Nesim Alkan 9elements @genzbluemchen DE
Nick Meijer GRRR NL
Nico Vandenhove Acolad Digital Belgium BE
Nicolas Arduin nardu.in @n_arduin FR
Nicoletta Fabro Adyen NL
Niek Adam Procurios NL
Niels Leenheer HTML5test @html5test NL
Niels van Doorn Recognize NL
Nienke and Jayne Daily NL
Niksa Volarevic Epicentrum RS
Nils Olav Weller PricewaterhouseCoopers @evilharlekin DE
Olamitoyosi Akinoso Adyen NL
Oluwatosin Orimogunje Adyen @reemtos NL
Patrice Voß Bauerfeind DE
Patricia Boh Lucid Dreamscape @_patiboh FR
Patrick Wong Priva @wongsiefu NL
Paul van Buuren WBVB Rotterdam @paulvanbuuren NL
Paulina Gonzalez van Dijk iO NL
Peter Ahlers Flusso NL
Peter Boersma Miro @pboersma NL
Peter Nguyen bitcrowd DE
Peter van der Steen Priva NL
Peter-Paul Koch Web Conferences Amsterdam @ppk NL
Pierre Chambon Mangas Gambling Engineering FR
Pieter Middeldorp Buro Middeldorp NL
Pim Steketee Informaat NL
Pim van Die VI Company NL
Rachel Andrew Google @rachelandrew UK
Raisa Getrouw Sociale Verzekeringsbank NL
Renan Soares de Andrade Adyen NL
René Samsen Rabobank @renesamsen NL
Ricardo den Brinker Viisi Hypotheken NL
Richard Groenendijk G-Star RAW NL
Ricky Admiraal Wolfpack Agency NL
Robert A. Paauwe Rabobank @Ax38 NL
Robert Spier Hogeschool van Amsterdam @roberrrt_s NL
Robert van der Elst Rietveld Licht @rvanderelst NL
Robin van der Molen Synetic NL
Roel Nieskens Kabisa @pixelambacht NL
Rohan van Wijk Synetic NL
Roland Franke Eagerly @rolandfranke NL
Roman Komarov Datadog @kizmarh FR
Ronald van der Horst iO NL
Roos De Voorhoede NL
Roos Ammerlaan Uptrends NL
Rowan Friedman Octophin Digital @ambercobweb UK
Rowdy Rabouw @rowdyrabouw NL
Roy Keur Mediacode NL
Ruben Duiveman Uptrends @rubenduiveman NL
Ruben van Straten TOPdesk Nederland NL
Ryan Deegan FreeAgent @ryandeegan UK
Sabine Holler bitcrowd DE
Sam Zwaaij Synetic NL
Sammy Hübner Recognize NL
Sander Elias HeroDevs @esosanderelias NL
Sandra Fontijn SVB NL
Sandra Wildeveld Flusso NL
Sanne 't Hooft Hogeschool van Amsterdam @shooft NL
Sauli Warmenhoven NL
Sebastiaan Verkade Nederlandse Transplantatie Stichting NL
Sebastiaan van Kerkfort VI Company NL
Sonja Rouwhorst Hogeschool van Amsterdam @sonjarouw NL
Stefanie Laharnar Plan A (plana.earth) @lhtdesignde DE
Stephen Hay Rabobank @stephenhay NL
Tab Atkins-Bittner Google @tabatkins US
Tamer Abdel Maaboud Citynews @tamer_aka_remat IT
Tanja de Bie - van Leeuwen I have so many ideas @tanjadebie NL
Thibaud Szymczak Adyen NL
Thijs Kramer Four Digits @fourdigits NL
Thomas Roest Moxio NL
Thomas Sweet Storyblok @thomas_sweet DE
Timon Dieterich TOPdesk Nederland NL
Timothy Benjamin Smith 10up @smithtimmytim US
Tom Bestebreurtje EVBox @bestebreurtje NL
Tom Bigelajzen Wix @bigel IL
Tom Hartwig Synetic @tmhrtwg NL
Tom Holsters Spot On @EchoesOfSmiles SE
Tor Thorbergsen Statkraft NO
Una Kravets Google @una US
V. van Velzen Torin internet applications NL
Vadim Makeev Gorillas @pepelsbey_ DE
Vasilis van Gemert Hogeschool van Amsterdam vasilis.nl NL
Veerle Verbert Con Impeto @veerleverbert BE
Vergil Penkov Adyen NL
Victor Bastiaansen Gaslicht.com @vicpuntnl NL
Werner Huysmans Con Impeto BE
Wessel Smit De Voorhoede NL
Willem van Berlo triptic NL
William Garrido Bensound @WillBypass FR
Wouter van Koppen Priva NL
Yehonatan Daniv Wix @YDaniv IL
Yoni Chamla Uptrends NL
Youssef Asakour Telenet BE