On 4th of June, 2014, the second CSS Day took place in Amsterdam.
Schedule ·
Speakers ·
Attendees ·
08:30 | Doors open | |
09:30 | Tab Atkins | layout |
10:20 | <br> | |
10:50 | Ana Tudor | 3d transforms |
11:40 | David Baron | animations |
12:30 | <br type="lunch"> | |
13:30 | Mathias Bynens | fun facts |
14:20 | Peter-Paul Koch | viewports |
15:10 | <br> | |
15:40 | Heydon Pickering | effortless style |
16:30 | Ethan Marcotte | responsive design |
17:20 | Panel | q&a with all speakers |
18:10 | Party | drinks & discussions |
Our MC, Stephen Hay

Stephen will guide us through the day and will also moderate the panel at the end.
Californian by birth and Dutchman by choice, Stephen Hay is author of Responsive Design Workflow (New Riders, 2013) and contributor to Smashing Book #3. He is a frequent speaker at industry events. While spending an increasing amount of time teaching, writing, and speaking, Stephen still spends the majority of his time working with clients large and small through his consultancy, Zero Interface.
Present and Future of CSS Layout, by Tab Atkins
Designing a page's layout in CSS has traditionally been a hard problem, though developers have come up with a lot of amazing hacks. Today, and in the near future, much of this pain will disappear, as CSS introduces new layout specs, like Flexbox and Grid, and other layout tools, like the Sizing and Alignment specs. This session will explore some of the new abilities enabled by CSS's new layout specs, introducing you to techniques that can you can apply today (depending on your required browser support) and in the near future, as browsers continue to implement these new specs.
About Tab

I'm Tab Atkins Jr, and I wear many hats. I work for Google on the Chrome browser as a Web Standards Hacker. I'm also a member of the CSS Working Group, and am either a member or contributor to several other working groups in the W3C.
3D Transforms, by Ana Tudor
You've probably all heard of CSS 3D transforms and seen the basic cube example. However, we can do much better. We can create more complex shapes like Archimedean, Catalan or Johnson solids, add shading to their faces with CSS gradients, move them around with keyframe animations, make them turn into others through various methods like expansion, vertex truncation or simply exploding them into parts which then recombine into something else.
About Ana

Loves maths, especially geometry. Enjoys playing with code. Passionate about experimenting and learning new things. Fascinated by astrophysics and science in general. Huge fan of technological advance and its applications in all fields. Shows an interest in motor sports, drawing, classic cartoons, rock music, cuddling toys and animals with sharp claws and big teeth. Dreams about owning a real tiger.
3.14 things I didn’t know about CSS, by Mathias Bynens
This talk will showcase a series of obscure CSS fun facts, such as CSS syntax gimmicks and quirks, weird tricks that involve CSS in one way or another, and security vulnerabilities that are enabled by (ab)using CSS in unexpected ways.
About Mathias

Mathias is a Belgian web standards freak. He likes HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Unicode, performance, and security.
At Opera Software he’s a member of the Developer Relations team.
The Mobile Viewports, by Peter-Paul Koch
What are the three viewports? (Spoiler: layout, visual, and ideal.) Why do we need all three? Why does responsive design work? (Not how. Why.) What happens when you set the meta viewport? How do browsers go wrong? (Spoiler: in plenty of innovative ways.) And what about resolution, or DPR? (Spoiler: it is not what you think it is.) In this session PPK, who spent more time on the mobile viewport than anyone not working for a browser vendor, answers these questions and more.
About PPK

Peter-Paul Koch is a mobile platform strategist, consultant, and trainer in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. He specialises in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and mobile browser compatibility.
Nowadays he mostly concentrates on the two things that are really different on mobile/touchscreen devices: the touch events and the three mobile viewports.
He relishes the fact that web developers have no clue what he's talking about, and are forced to pay him boatloads of money to find out.
Effortless Style, by Heydon Pickering
Classes, and the CSS methodologies based on them, have begot a component based approach to styling web pages. This results in a form of presentational markup that, despite breaking with the "separation of concerns" principle, has proven to be a popular approach to collaborating on style schemas. However, methodologies and standards are not equivalent and inviting the explicit prescription of CSS into the editorial process will quickly alienate non-developers charged with simply writing content. This session will explore ways to help content editors elicit stylistic nuances without having to think about design or CSS at all.
About Heydon

Heydon is a designer and HTML writer from the UK. He is a member of Smashing Magazine's expert panel, produced one of the very first icon fonts, and created the odd illustration for the HTML5.1 spec'. As he writes this, he is finalizing his first book about web accessibility. His writing on CSS has proved a little controversial since he typically eschews class-oriented methodologies and instead uses HTML semantics to dictate styling decisions directly. He owns a greyhound and a resonator guitar. He's @heydonworks on Twitter.
Laziness in the Time of Responsive Design, by Ethan Marcotte
As screens and input types evolve, we’re managing more complexity in our designs than ever before: our layouts are becoming more flexible and responsive; our interfaces, more immersive. Maybe we can look for simpler approaches? In this session, Ethan—a singularly lazy person—will walk through some responsive designs, and show how we might use simple effects and selectors to do a bit more with less.
About Ethan

Ethan Marcotte is an independent designer/developer who is passionate about beautiful design, elegant code, and the intersection of the two. Over the years his clientele has included People Magazine, New York Magazine, the Sundance Film Festival, The Boston Globe, and the W3C. Ethan coined the term “responsive web design” to describe a new way of designing for the ever-changing Web and, if given the chance, will natter on excitedly about it—he even went so far as to write a book on the topic.
Ethan lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and would like to be an unstoppable robot ninja when he grows up. Beep.
Name | Company | From | |
Adolfo Benedetti | Iprofs | @adben | NL |
Alex Maat | TIE Kinetix | NL | |
Alice Murphy | akquinet tech@spree | DE | |
Ana Tudor | @thebabydino | RO | |
Anand Graves | Anand Graves | @anandgraves | NL |
Andrew Jordan | TSL Digital | @jordan_a_2000 | UK |
Andy Warburton | Booking.com | NL | |
Angela Sjoholm | RIPE NCC | NL | |
Anke Willems | Two Kings | @ankedesign | NL |
Anthony Moendir | KLM | NL | |
Arjan Pot | Evident Interactive | NL | |
Arne de Bree | Arne de Bree | @adebree | NL |
Babs Bloemsaat | Coolblue | NL | |
Bart Heesink | Leukeleu | NL | |
Bart Oosterveld | Blink Interactive | NL | |
Bart Wilmink | Objectif Lune | NL | |
Bas van Rijen | Bas van Rijen Front-end Development | NL | |
Ben Darlow | Darlow Technology | @kapowaz | UK |
Bernard Skibinski | Merge | @bskibinski | NL |
Bert de Weerd | b3rtnl | nieuwe media | @b3rtnl | NL |
Biggs Thorarensen | Devillion | @biggs_t | UK |
Blaz Kemperle | Ikon | @blazicke | IT |
Bob Donderwinkel | Viewbook | NL | |
Bob Fanger | NoProtocol | @bfanger | NL |
Bram Demmer | eFocus | NL | |
Bram Simons | Leukeleu | NL | |
Bram Stein | Adobe Typekit | @bram_stein | NL |
Carl Lundblad | Itera Norge | NO | |
Cavit Karaman | KLM | NL | |
Charis Rooda | I make websites | @charisrooda | NL |
Charlie Owen | @sonniesedge | UK | |
Chi Shang Cheng | Leukeleu | NL | |
Chris Koster | Positivum | @bechrissed | NL |
Conor Luddy | IQ Content | @madebyluddy | IE |
Cynthia Onwordi | Cyber-Duck | UK | |
Danh Nguyen | Luminis Apeldoorn | NL | |
Daniel Husar | IQ Content | @danohusar | IE |
Daniel Smink | Picturae | @danielsmink | NL |
Danny Evenwel | Driebit | NL | |
Danny van der Zalm | SIMgroep | @SalmonRulez | NL |
Darius Kruythoff | Hectius | @dkruythoff | NL |
David Baron | Mozilla | @davidbaron | US |
David Henry | Workshare | UK | |
David Hund | Valued Standards | @valuedstandards | NL |
David Mahl | getit | DE | |
David Turon Bes | TIE Kinetix | NL | |
Davy Rori | KLM | NL | |
Dennis Bunskoek | Leukeleu | @dbunskoek | NL |
Dennis Waasdorp | Clansman | NL | |
Dennis van Homoet | Oatmeal | @dennisvanhomoet | NL |
Derk Duit | Two Kings | @dsduit | NL |
Dion van Rijswijk | X-com | @dionvr | NL |
Dirk Voß | aixigo AG | DE | |
Dominique van Gimst | LimoenGroen | NL | |
Don Brandts | Nationale-Nederlanden | NL | |
Dorien Drees | Driebit | NL | |
Edo van Tilborgh | Happy Flow | NL | |
Eduardo Shiota | Booking.com | @shiota | NL |
Egor Kloos | @dutchcelt | NL | |
Elaine Oliver | Q42 | @skinkfu | NL |
Emma Dobrescu | Booking.com | NL | |
Enis Baruh | Bitmama | @enisb | IT |
Enrico Hoogendoorn | Wellfound Websolutions | NL | |
Eric Weerstra | Mirabeau | NL | |
Erik van den Heuvel | Objectif Lune | @evdheuvel | NL |
Ethan Marcotte | @beep | US | |
Eva Kock | SIMgroep | @evakock | NL |
Evert Slagter | 1020concepts | @evertslagter | NL |
Ferdie Sletering | Yard Internet | @s_ferdie | NL |
Filidor Wiese | Oni Studio | @filidorwiese | NL |
Fleur de Kroon | Redhotminute | NL | |
Florian Vanthuyne | Adagio Agency | @prplps | BE |
Florin Tudoran | @FlorinTudoran | RO | |
Francis Errant | Happy Flow | NL | |
Francois Planque | b2evolution.net | @b2evolution | LU |
Frank Harland | Acato | NL | |
Frank Zijlstra | @fzijlstra | NL | |
Franz Heidl | @franzheidl | DE | |
Fred Jasper | Wellfound Websolutions | NL | |
Freek van Gorkum | Coosto | @FvGorkum | NL |
Geir Haugen | Itera Norge | @haugeen | NO |
Gerben Snellenberg | 4net | @LaViteMontagne | NL |
Gert-Jan Goudkuil | HCBMedia | NL | |
Gijs Rogé | Intracto | @gijsroge | BE |
Giulio Antonini | Osudio | NL | |
Govert Verschuur | NoProtocol | NL | |
Guido Bouman | Q42 | NL | |
Haiko de Jong | Studio Haiko | NL | |
Hannes Janssens | Wizzbit | NL | |
Hans Grimm | Grimm.nl | @grimmweb | NL |
Harmen Janssen | Grrr | NL | |
Harrald Torenvlied | Qball Internet | @Harrald | NL |
Hendrik Lammers | Picturae | @hendriklammers | NL |
Heydon Pickering | Neontribe | @heydonworks | UK |
Hidde de Vries | hiddedevries.nl | @hdv | UK |
Holger Gehrmann | holger gehrmann it beratung | DE | |
Huib van Geertruy | Ziggo | NL | |
Ibe Garritsen | a&m impact internetdiensten | @IbeGarritsen | NL |
Ilja Dvornikovs | thispagecannotbefound.com | NL | |
JD de Kock | thispagecannotbefound.com | NL | |
Jaap Bearda | Informaat | NL | |
Jaco Bovenschen | Leukeleu | NL | |
Jacob van Zijp | Evident Interactive | NL | |
Jacqueline Lievense | Modern Media | NL | |
Jake Abma | Informaat | NL | |
Jan Hopman | Yard Internet | @janhopman | NL |
Jan Jaap Van Deursen | WEBclusive | NL | |
Jan Persoons | Intracto | @janpersoons | BE |
Jan van Hellemond | Frontlab | @jvhellemond | NL |
Jan-Peter Van der Veen | KLM | NL | |
Janine Bouwman | Webbureau Amsterdam | NL | |
Janita Top | Janita Top | @sigvi | NL |
Jarno de Wit | Virtual Sciences Solutions | @jarno | NL |
Jarno van Rhijn | 42bv | NL | |
Jean-François Fraisse | Octo Technology | @Jeffwebdesign | FR |
Jeremy Crowlesmith | Leukeleu | NL | |
Jeroen Slagt | Blink Interactive | NL | |
Jeroen Trotz | Event Engineers | NL | |
Jeroen van Leeuwen | Leukeleu | NL | |
Jesse Koeckhoven | Opzet | NL | |
Jewwy Qadri | WebArchitects | @jewwyq | NL |
Jochem Bronzewijker | Hamaka | @bronzewijker | NL |
Johan Smits | Saxion | NL | |
John Beitler | Coffee Media | @coffeemedia | NL |
John Peet | Cyber-Duck | UK | |
Jonas Coch | iosphere | @klaftertief | DE |
Jonas Cuyvers | Intracto | BE | |
Jonas Proia | Jonas Proia | @jonasproia | BE |
Jonas Päckos | EVRY Digital | @pekkos | SE |
Jonatán Rueda | UNIT4 | @armisoft | ES |
Joost Aalbers | a&m impact internetdiensten | @maghetweten | NL |
Joris von Loghausen | News Media | @vonloghausen | NL |
Joël Kuijten | Superficial | @PM5544 | NL |
Juan Carlos Gonzalez | a.n.d. Internet Services | @cayaoh | DE |
Jules Ernst | 200 OK | @JulezRulez | NL |
Jurij Burkanov | Fressnapf Tiernahrungs | @burkanov | DE |
Jörg Krug | getit | DE | |
Kaj Rietberg | Zorgweb | @Kajrietberg | NL |
Kees Duin | Qball Internet | NL | |
Kenny Vanelderen | Intracto | @vanelderenkenny | BE |
Kevin Saanen | Independer | NL | |
Kevin Tai | Kras | NL | |
Klaas Jan Stellema | SchoolMaster | NL | |
Koen Peters | ISAAC Software Solutions | NL | |
Krijn Hoetmer | Qontent | @krijnhoetmer | NL |
Kristina Terhürne | d.velop | DE | |
KyoungHwan Min | NHN Technology Service | KR | |
Lars Gribbe | Cygni | SE | |
Lauren McConachie | Booking.com | NL | |
Leon de Rijke | Leon de Rijke | @leonderijke | NL |
Lior Haymovitch | Fusion Media | CY | |
Lotte van den Berg | Coolblue | NL | |
Lydie Polak | BNN-VARA | @lydiepolak | NL |
Maarten de Haas | Hamaka | @haamaakaa | NL |
Magalie Chetrit | LimoenGroen | NL | |
Maikel Koopman | Goalgorilla | NL | |
Manikanta Nagendra Palutla | Invendium | UK | |
Marc Jousma | Yard Internet | NL | |
Marc Stalfoort | Enrise | @mstalfoort | NL |
Marc Thiele | @marcthiele | DE | |
Marc Veens | S5 | @TheMarc_ | NL |
Marcel van de Kamp | SchoolMaster | NL | |
Marco Braak | Leukeleu | NL | |
Marco Troost | ZeelandNet | NL | |
Marco de Jong | Anytime Anyplace | @marcodejong | NL |
Mark Feenstra | Synetic | NL | |
Mark Rickert | medoingthings.com | @medoingthings | DE |
Mark van Egmond | WebArchitects | @markvegmond | NL |
Martijn Bosgraaf | Blink Interactive | NL | |
Martijn Broere | LimoenGroen | NL | |
Martijn Gerrits | Osudio | NL | |
Martijn Gussekloo | Gusmanson | @mgussekloo | NL |
Martijn van Duuren | @Martijnvduuren | NL | |
Martin van Schaik | Opzet | @mrvanschaik | NL |
Massimo Mancini | Vivocha | IT | |
Mathias Bynens | Opera | @mathias | BE |
Mathijs Kadijk | Q42 | NL | |
Matteo Cavucci | MCED | @matteomced | IT |
Matteo Ferretti | Mozilla | @ZER0 | NL |
Mattijs Bliek | Grrr | NL | |
Maurice Bartnig | Orange Juice | NL | |
Maurice Denis | UNIT4 IT Solutions | NL | |
Maurice den Engelsman | S5 | @Maurice_S5 | NL |
Michael Hastrich | 72/300 | @mchaste | NL |
Michael Teeuw | Xonay Media | @michmich | NL |
Michali Sarris | Yard Internet | @MichaliSarris | NL |
Michiel Bijl | Orange Juice | NL | |
Michiel Jelijs | Cinnamon Interactive | NL | |
Michiel Koning | 4net | @michiel_koning | NL |
Michiel Mayer | Mayer front-end development | NL | |
Michiel de Boer | Picturae | NL | |
Miguel Zamora | NoProtocol | NL | |
Mijke Kosters | Ordina | @kostersm | NL |
Mikael Ek | Cygni | SE | |
Mike van Veenhuizen | NoProtocol | NL | |
Nataliya Arefyeva | Sup Media | @n_snork | RU |
Nazario Fraija Pulido | thispagecannotbefound.com | NL | |
Nick Balestra | Timble | @nickbalestra | BE |
Nick Meewis | Clansman | NL | |
Niek Weevers | a&m impact internetdiensten | @nweevers | NL |
Oliver Klein | Oliver Klein Webentwicklung | DE | |
Owain Kleefkens | UNIT4 | NL | |
Pascal Vos | Luminis Apeldoorn | NL | |
Patrick Klaassen | Osudio | NL | |
Paul Steffens | Macaw Rich Internet Solutions | @sntxrrr | NL |
Paul Swagerman | Viewbook | NL | |
Paul van Buuren | WBVB Rotterdam | @paulvanbuuren | NL |
Pepijn Senders | NoProtocol | NL | |
Peter Coolen | Superhero Cheesecake | NL | |
Peter Welp | KLM | NL | |
Peter van Grieken | Frozen Rockets | @petervangrieken | NL |
Peter-Paul Koch | QuirksMode.org | @ppk | NL |
Ramon Kool | eFocus | NL | |
Ramon Lapenta | Cyber-Duck | @ramono | UK |
Ramon de Jezus | Leukeleu | NL | |
Raphael Ott | Best Gaming Technology | AT | |
Raymond Veldhuizen | Xonay Media | @rveldhuizen | NL |
Rebecca Engler | Magazijn de Bijenkorf | NL | |
Remco Dekker | Eleven | NL | |
Rian Verhagen | Superhero Cheesecake | NL | |
Ricardo Prins | HCBMedia | NL | |
Richey Ryan | IQ Content | IE | |
Rick van Grinsven | Tele2 | NL | |
Rien Swagerman | Viewbook | NL | |
Rob Preus-MacLaren | Neontribe | @RpprRoger | UK |
Rob de Winter | De Winter Multimedia | @robdewinter | NL |
Robbin van der Peijl | NoProtocol | NL | |
Robert Cabri | Dicabrio.com | @dicabrio | NL |
Robert van der Elst | Modern Media | NL | |
Robin Pokorný | LMC | @robinpokorny | CZ |
Robin Poort | Timble | @rhcpoort | BE |
Rodney Rehm | medialize | @rodneyrehm | DE |
Roel Nieskens | Coosto | @pixelambacht | NL |
Rogier Barendregt | Usethetics | @usethetics | NL |
Rogier Koppejan | Driebit | NL | |
Rogier Strobbe | Tele2 | @rogierstrobbe | NL |
Roland Broekema | KLM | NL | |
Roman Komarov | Yandex | @kizmarh | RU |
Ronald Lokers | Coolblue | NL | |
Rowdy Rabouw | double-R webdevelopment | @rowdyrabouw | NL |
Roy Tomeij | RoyTomeij.com | @roy | NL |
Rudin Swagerman | Viewbook | NL | |
Ruud Fortuin | ISAAC Software Solutions | NL | |
Sabine Beilfuss | Webbureau Amsterdam | NL | |
Sam Zwaaij | Synetic | NL | |
Sandra Filius | Informed Consulting | NL | |
Sara Devuyst | @RuneInBoots | NL | |
Sebastiaan Bonardt | Two Kings | @_sebbon | NL |
Senne Torfs | Intracto | @sennetorfs | BE |
Shalom Aptekar | @aktof | CA | |
Simona Lazarovici | Booking.com | NL | |
Sjors Rijsdam | Driebit | NL | |
Sonja Feteridge - de Boer | KLM | NL | |
Stef van den Ham | NoProtocol | @stefvdham | NL |
Stefan Bunse | @sbunse | DE | |
Stefan Limke | IT Beratung Stefan Limke | DE | |
Sten Muchow | TIE Kinetix | NL | |
Stephan Dijkman | Informed Consulting | NL | |
Stephan Muller | Luminis Apeldoorn | @Litso_ | NL |
Stephen Hay | Zero Interface | @stephenhay | NL |
Steven Van der Zwan | KLM | NL | |
Tab Atkins | @tabatkins | US | |
Teodoro Mylonopoulos | UNIT4 | @syc3r | ES |
Thanos Samarinas | Booking.com | NL | |
Theo van Asselt | Plyworks Media | NL | |
Thibaut Sailly | @thibautsailly | FR | |
Thijs Reijgersberg | Werkspot | @ysbreker | NL |
Thomas van Zuijlen | Frontlab | @thomatronic | NL |
Tijs van der Horst | UNIT4 IT Solutions | NL | |
Tim Hoogendijk | thispagecannotbefound.com | NL | |
Timo Brundel | Modern Media | NL | |
Tjitte de Vries | TTY | NL | |
Tom Greuter | Tomgreuter.nl | @ludder | NL |
Tom Hartwig | Indivirtual | @tmhrtwg | NL |
Tom Janssens | Timble | @janssenstom | BE |
Tom Schaek | Intracto | BE | |
Vadim Makeev | Opera Software | @pepelsbey_ | RU |
Vasilis van Gemert | HvA | @vasilis | NL |
Victor Bastiaansen | Redhotminute | NL | |
Vincent Bruijn | Osudio | @_y_a_v_a_ | NL |
Vincent Vreugdenhill | Coolblue | NL | |
Vivienne van Velzen | Torin internet applications | @V_v_V | NL |
Wendy Hendricksen | SIMgroep | @Wendy_twit | NL |
Wesley Lancel | MijnStudent | @wesleylancel | BE |
Wout Sluiter | Blink Interactive | NL | |
Wouter Versluijs | Superhero Cheesecake | NL | |
Yiannis Poulakas | TSL Digital | @ypoulakas | UK |
Youdi Benassuli | Theodoor Gilissen Bankiers | @timbres_maroc | NL |
Yulia Bukhvalova | Sup Media | @yoksel | RU |
Yvo Haring | Sixmo | NL |